The Reader's Stone Part. 1

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Pulling open the wooden, white painted closet doors revealed quite the odd character. It sat below, on the floor, hiding in the shadows with it's fearful yet menacing face staring right back at me. It's hideously shaded green skin, wrinkly like a spoiled grape was flashing melancholy right before my eyes. It's puke yellow eyes were anything but aesthetically pleasing, torturous to look at, even, were covered by it's equally disturbing hair. It's split ends had split ends and it was thinner than Ruben. It's white, snow hair was a mess, resembling a ball of twine, or a tumbleweed passing it's way through the hot, western desert.

"Wah!" It shrieked from it's mouth, literally sounding like Waluigi. It's lips quivered with fear and defensiveness, such as a stray cat in a dark alley in New York would.

"Blue Neighborhood!" I called, as my Blue Neighborhood lifted it's opaque-blue arms, preparing it's star layered fist to attack.

"Wait!" It, whatever it was, shouted with frustration and shock.

My Blue Neighborhood punched it's putrid face anyways, the collision of it's Star-Spangled Fist and the goblin's face was music to my ears. The sound of Blue Neighborhood's knuckles cracking under the sound of the hag's rotten teeth was a harmony.

My Blue Nieghborhood lifted the the 'thing' by it's raggy clothing; a dark orange robe, orange like a pumpkin pie that was left outside during the summer for hours, over another robe,  a light brown robe that I could only assume was once white. The 'thing' was small, about the size of my arm in height. It writhed and squirmed around in pain and terrorized agitation. It flailed it's thin, noodle like arms that were wrinkled and flabby in the air, attempting to fall out of my Blue Neighborhood's grasp, I assumed. It's equally thin leg's kicked and smacked around.

Blue Neighborhood became stern, lifting it's arm once more.

BN began to throw a volley of quick punches, once more releasing the pleasing sound of cracking knuckles and the obliteration of musky, yellow teeth.

The goblin was being pounded at extraordinary speeds, it's face was more distorted each time I got to see it's face through the thin spacing between it's face and Blue Neighborhood's face. It's eyes were twisting and slowly drawing farther apart due to the damage being done to it's face.

"Stop," I told my Blue Neighborhood, halting it to stop it's barrage of pain.

Once it's fist was lowered, it still held up the goblin with his stiff left, blue arm. It's orange and white robes were being to tear under the pressure and force of Blue Neighborhood. I took a good look at it's absolutely horrid face. It's eyes were inches farther apart from before, it's mouth was hanging open as if it's jaw was shattered, which I'm assuming it was. It's nose was bent to the left and it's face was general was...better looking than it was before.

"Hm. You look prettier like this. Earlier you were uglier than Johnny, consider this a blessing...whatever you are." I soullessly told it, smirking and dropping it, keeping my tall Blue Neighborhood out for defense, in case that thing tried anything out of the ordinary.

"I'm sure whatever intentions you had of killing me and my family or friends are now diminished, due to the defeat I just handed you," I crouched down to tell it's limp body. "But just in case, I'll leave my Stand, Blue Neighborhood, out."

I looked at it straight in it's defeated eyes, it looking foward to a wall, lacking any life in them. It's dark brown pupils were empty and needing of life. I felt somewhat guilty, looking at it's destroyed body.

It's lips began to quiver again.

"M-M-My name...." It said before wheezing and trying to speak again. "Amarleek Retzachben, I-I-I'm..." It wheezed and couged again, blood spewing out of it's thin, disgustingly green lips. "I'm t-t-the Reader." It sternly said, it's eyes now intensly focused onto my eyes, unnervingly and strikingly scary, it stared.

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