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"Edgar Bautista!" Juan Gomez mocked Edgar's voice, raising his arm and hand to greet me ever so furiously.

"Shut the fuck up, Juan." I passed by Juan and walked into the Band Room, only to see that Ruben was standing in front of my trumpet case.

"Micheala, I've had it," his tender hands cupped into a tight fist, his blood boiled and cuddled the crushed skin and flesh on his body.

Ruben was tired of my banter, my constant insulation toward him, it was obvious that it was triggering him, and it had triggered him for the last time.

"Micheala, prepare to feel my wrath!" Ruben snickered and readied his fist.

"K." I walked by Ruben and grabbed my trumpet and set up for the short hour of 4th Period Concert Band.

"Micheala! I'm not done yet!"


"If you don't stop, I'll tell everyone your rea-"

"RUBEN BERNAL!" Edgar joyfully screeched, marching with very pristine mannerisms.

"Edgar, I'm busy trying to beat up Micheala." Ruben had anger in his eyes, and his heart.

"Why don't you settle it in Smash?" Edgar whipped two 3DS' out of his blue jeans.

I vigorously attempted to hold back my laughter as I stared back Ruben's puzzled expression, resulting in me vigorously howling.

"Edgar, no." Ruben respondid, his hunchback growing into a mountain of rage and ALS.

"Edgar, yes." Edgar shot back.

The rest of the class entered in unison, with Kevin barking his sound obscenities as usual. Why was he even here, he's in Symphonic Winds.

"RUBEN, YOU CUNT." Kevin waddled to Ruben. Ruben had gotten his hands on Kevin's trombone.

"KEVIN GARCIA!" Ms. Choi was pinching Kevin by the ear. "Watch your language."

Kevin lowered his head in false shame.

"Edgar, I don't play Smash." I brought back the subject.

Edgar looked at me, his lips menacingly curling into a demonic smirk.

"Settle it, in Smash."

"Fine." Ruben and I grabbed the 3DS' and chose our characters, Mario and The Taller Version of Mario that's Green.

We both flopped at Smash, eventually we had lunged our characters into death.

"iS tHaT sMaSh?!!!" Both Alexis Gomez, the Saxophone, and Juan screeched.

Edgar stood tall and confidently at the door.

"Come on now, join. I'll be hosting a Smash Tournament!" Edgar bellowed, raising his arms into the sky.

"Aw heck yeeeeeeah!" Nicolas James shouted.


We sat around a massive television, we were actually going to do a Smash Tournament.

"So, like? Winner is winner?" Alexis asked.

"We all fight, whoever loses first is removed, and so forth." Edgar deviously smiled.

"Fantastic." I murmured, I was obviously going to lose firEdgar "Let the Smash Tournament Begin!"

Everyone had chosen their character, slowly, one by one, people in the Band were eliminated, I was of course, first to go.

"Gosh, my Wiimote feels sweaty." Juan said.

"Yeah... Mine too." Alexis whined.

We were close to finishing.

It was Edgar, Juan, Alexis, and Daniela, the Flute, were the last victors.

Juan lost.

Alexis lost.

Fear was in Edgar's eyes, he was shaking. He was currently losing to Daniela.

"ENOUGH!" Edgar shouted.

The walls and ground below us fell into nothing.

"This is my world!" Edgar pounded his the ground and stomped.

"How could Edgar lose to Daniela, whose never touched a Wii or DS?" Juan thought out loud.

"I think we should be more worried about how Edgar just collapsed all of reality." I said.

"Oh, right, yeah."

Edgar walked up to Daniela and touched her shoulder.

He whispered something into her ears. And then, she disintegrated into millions of bright particles.

"This is my world, I am the god of Smash. And now, you all shall be Smashed." He spoke in a peaceful tone.

"What's with these gods and their realms jesus christ Micheala write some good plot into this shitty stor-" Ruben whined, but fell to the floor, frozen in fear before he could finish.

"What was he just saying?"

"Who?" I responded.

"Ruben!" Edgar cried. His rage had left and it had turned to sorrow as he ran to Ruben's seemingly lifeless body.

"Wait a minute..." Alexis was studying his Wiimote alongside Edgar's. "Hey!" Alexis had taken apart the Wiimotes and found that his had been tampered with.

"He was cheating!" Edgar turned around.

"What?! No!" Edgar shrieked when he saw that all of the good players were chasing him down.

"Sure, chase Edgar down, I mean, it's not like we're trapped in some sort of fake reality that Edgar controls or anything." I added.

Luis Garcia ran at the speed of light and tackled Edgar.

"Get us out of here!" He shouted, his spit flying onto Edgar's face.

"Fine." Edgar snapped his fingers and reality warped around us.

Darkness was everywhere, the voices of the Band kids were shouting for help.

And then I realized my eyes were closed.

I opened them.

The dark gray walls were splashed with muck, I was laying in a bed, the room was large, echoing even my heartbeat





The sound of a monitor, and then, flatline.

Band Class Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now