Luben Attacks! Part 2.

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The blast of power came flying our way, striking Avenged Sevenfold, sending it along with Kevin flying backwards in that tree that stood before the Band Room. And then, it exploded in flames and power, setting fire to Kevin.

"Kevin!" I shouted, turning back to look at King Triton, who was laughing as if he had just won America's Got Talent.

"For such a hype, what a pathetic Stand and Stand User!" Cried King Triton, continuing his laughing streak.

"Agreed, welp. Time to kill everyone!" Luben shouted, throwing down his coat that magically appeared on him.

I gazed over to look at Ruben, who looked completely calm and not worried at all.

"I'll kill both of you." Abby muttered, Black Parade standing in position to attack.

"Oh look! The emo chick wants to fight!" Luben shouted joyfully. "Kill her."

"I'm. Not. Emo!"

King Triton and his RadioHead walked over to Abby. RadioHead raised it's claw and prepared to attack, but a sharp, buzzing noise flew around and a flying object crashed right into King Triton's face.

"Rogue One!" Juan shouted, pointing toward King Triton was his tall, robotic, orange Stand, Rogue One.

"You... You scarred my face! My beautiful DJ Face!" King Triton was infuriated. Juan's face sunk as soon he saw the anger and agonizing fury in Triton's face.

"Hey! If you want to hurt my disgusting pals, you'll have to get through me!" I shouted, preparing my Blue Neighborhood for an attack.

King Triton turned to look at me, his eyes twisted and fearless.

My heart felt heavy in fear.

"Someone as low as you couldn't even touch someone of my level. I could make a better song than you with my moans!" I shouted at him.

"A Star like me would never fall to someone as disappointing as you, you can't even control that thing. Don't think that it's lack of a face makes it any more intimidating." He shot back.

"And your little Shrek Lookalike over there is frightening?"

I was dying of utter fear from the inside. I looked up to see Luben, who was smugly sitting on a throne materialized by White Noise. He wasn't even watching the battle.

I looked back to see Kevin who has lying on the floor, roasting alive.

"Micheala, shut the fuck up," Ruben looked back at me and said. "Your insults are crap." Ruben turned to look at King Triton's scarred face and pointed at him.

"Do you know where the real Star is?" Ruben asked.

"Up your butt." Ruben threw his Black Noise right into the battle. We followed suit in hopes of overpowering King Triton's RadioHead.

Punches and kicks were thrown at RadioHead. Rogue One summoned multiple X-Wings that attacked RadioHead from the sky, Black Noise blinded him, Black Parade kicked as hard as it could, Bartholomew ran to help Kevin, and my Blue Neighborhood stood there, doing nothing.

I couldn't control it and I didn't know what to do, I was paralyzed in fear and shock.

"Micheala, can you like, help?" Abby shouted as King Triton shouted in pain, any damage that was being thrown at RadioHead was thrown as King Triton.

I looked back at Kevin, back at the group, at Luben and at Blue Neighborhood. I was useless at that moment, but we all were useless, only Rogue One and Black Noise could use their seperate abilities so far.

"Please! Don't kill me!" King Triton yelled, coughing up blood and choking on his own words.

"Triton, you're useless garbage." Luben hopped down from his throne and walked over to Triton, everyone moved away in caution.

"You're absolutely..." Luben began kicking Triton in the ribs. "USELESS!" Triton was choking on his blood, he was a pile of broken bones and sadness.

"H-He's completely insane..." I muttered.

"Triton was a useless fuck anyways, he did deserve it." Ruben said.

"Well yeah, I guess you have a point there." I responded.

"Yeah yeah, we can all agree." Abby and Juan replied.

Luben began stomping King Triton's head repeatedly, his head began to morph into something that didn't look like a head. Blood and mush began to seep out as Triton's eye was reduced to a pile of crushed bone and flesh.

"Glenn, is that you?" Abby muttered.

"Enough with the jokes!" Luben threw his head forward with rage and pride. "I'm done here, prepare to FUCKING DIE!" Luben posed and his White Noise began to attack our Stands.

Black Parade was beaten down in an instant. Rogue One was punched repeatedly until Juan fell to the floor. My Blue Neighborhood retreated at the sight.

Black Noise and White Noise stood face to face. Tension grew between Ruben and Luben. Their auras grew bigger and bigger, white and black.

I ran over to help Bartholomew with Kevin, Abby and Juan would do fine, they were just beat up, not burning like Joan of Arc.

Kevin's eyes fluttered and the flames that burned him extinguished.

"Y-Your'e fine?" Bartholomew was bewildered, as was I. Kevin was completely unharmed.

"My Avenged Sevenfold protected me, the force of the blast knocked me out."
"That's fantastic." Bartholomew said, joyfully.

"Dank," Kevin got up and got ready to fight. "Where's that Triton guy?"

I pointed to the watermelon smoothie that was on the floor in front of the Band Room.

"Glenn, is that you?" Kevin joked.

"Ruben, I'll have you know that I was born with a Stand, I have trained with it. I'm indefinitely stronger than you." Luben boasted, Ruben stayed silent. "The only reason I haven't wiped you away with a slice if because I don't want to get my sneakers dirty." Luben snickered. "I'm sure it wouldn't matter if you died, you're worthless, pathetic, absolutely unimportant." Luben smirked. "No one cares about you. I could disintegrate you at this moment and not Micheala, not Juan, not Kevin, not Abby, no one, no one will give a sINGLE FUCKING SHIT!" Luben began to show his true colors; he wasn't a calm and sometimes ridiculous villain, he was a primitive killer, he was angry and murderous.

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