McAllack Industries

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Following the past events, we decided that it was time to move on, of course, this was difficult, since a maniac with an invisible entity was after us, Edgar had died, Choi was in critical condition, and Ruben had also developed a Stand. Not to forget that Viviana had also developed a long last ability from a dead civilization.

Choi was gone, she was wounded and basically dead.

Band was boring, we had to endure a sub who gave us no attention. And for attention whores like me, this was hard.

But it was even worse for people whi needed life advice, like Ruben...or Kevin.

Kevin had gotten into Choir, and as I heard, he was good at singing. Maybe it as this that caused the Apocalypse. Maybe it was other things. But I want to go back and explain.

It was November. I could remember it as clear as day.

"Kevin Garcia!" The door to the Band Room slammed open after school.

A large, tall man in a black suit with slick dark hair walked inside, looking for Kevin.

"What the Hell's going on here?!" Ms. Choi scuffled out of her office to be greeted by this man.

"Sarah Choi! My name is Rodney Miller, I'm with McAllack Industries!" He boomed.

"McAllack Industries! In my Classroom!" Ms. Choi's face lit up.

"We're to find a student, Kevin Garcia! We were told he'd be here. You see, Kevin has extraordinary singing talent! I want him to work with me!"

"You want Kevin?" Choi's face twisted into a confused expression.

"Why yes! Him and I will rise to fame, I mean, He will rise to fame! He'll be famous and loved, he'll be a household name! He just has to sign here!" Rodney pulled out a contract from his jacket, his smile bigger than ever.

"Kevim Garcia!" Ms. Choi shouted at the moment she saw Kevin entering the Band Room with his buddy, Brandon, a fellow Trombone.

"wat." Kevin mumbled in surprise and sudden fear.

"Come over he-" Choi said.

"Kevin!" Rodney shouted, making his way toward Kevin, pushing anyone in his way aside.

"I'm from McAllack Ind-"

"Finally, I knew someone would finally recognize my talent. Let's get going." Kevin smirked and walked to a limousine with Rodney Miller.

"This won't go well, I can sense it already." I muttered to myself.

I couldn't let something else to happen, I trailed behind the limo and arrived at McAllack Industries.

"Kevin, I want to make you famous."

"I know, and I already am."

"I want to make you the Star of McAllack Industries."

"I know, and I already am."

"What?" Rodney swooped and turned around to see who his arm was wrapped around.

"Triton?!" Rodney shouted.

King Triton?! But how? I thought to myself.

King Triton is a DJ who goes to our school, he spread his own rumor kf being licensed by McAllack, but of course, no one took him seriously since he needed to blast his music jn the hallways to promote it.

"That's right, Rodney. How dare you?!" He shouted, pointing his finger at Rodney's beard, stepping closer to him as Rodney stepped back.

"Triton, now now. This is no time to get angry! Where's Kevin? He's your new business partner, you'll both be the stars!"

"Kevin's gone, Rodney, and soon, you will be too."

King Triton flashed an orange aura and wind began to accumulate.

"What?! Don't tell me you're willing to kill me for doing this! I mean, kill Kevin! He's not important! You'll always be the star, Triton!"

Suddenly, Rodney's short blonde hair began to grow longer and longer and he pleaded to Triton for survival.

His golden locks were longer than I've ever seen, and like golden serpents, his hair became sentient, wrapping around Rodney's head tightly. Until, blood splattered everywhere, Rodney's head exploded like a watermelong between two powerful thighs.

Band Class Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now