The Aftermath

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"Metric." Ruben muttered. His new Stand looming over him with it's large drooping eyes and odd mouth. It was tall and thin, with only a left arm, but the left arm had two hands. It didn't have legs, but it wore a skirt-like outfit that faded into a short tail, ghostlike.

Ruben blacked out from the fight, the sky returned to normal and the shining rays of the sun revealed the gory scene. King Triton's aftermath looked worse than it did in utter darkness. Walls, obliterated, Fences, destroyed.

"Nice," I said, looking into the sky, clouds trailing north.

What now, I thought. We had defeated Luben and life should be back to normal. No, it couldn't be back to normal anymore, our Stands would prevent us from being normal now.

Life went as usual, our lives went normally, school was normal, everything was normal.

Which was odd, I had believed that our new experiences would make us seem as outcasts in the world. But that would come later

Students would pass by the Band Room and gym only to be greeted with the destruction caused by the monstrous Luben and King Triton. Students will walk through the hallways and no longer hear the dubstep that once annoyed them. It's a wild and almost depressing concept, but two monsters were taken down today, taken down in the name of justice.

"Finally, now I can go back home and jerk off to Rey porn!" Juan sighed and let his arms fall down as he walked back home, Rogue One retreating back into Juan.

"You're just gonna let Ruben and Abby rot out here?" Andres asked Juan.

Juan acted as if he didn't hear him, strutting along the broken path to his home along with his tortoises.

"Leave him, Juan never has time." I stuttered on my words. "Yet he always has time to make shitty YouTube videos."

"His videos are infinitely better than yours." Kevin tried to trigger me, and it worked, me being extremely sensitive when it came to my works of art, whether it be writing, drawings, or crappy YouTube videos. It was my art, it was my work, and I hated when people insulted it.

"That's a lie; Juan's the crappiest YouTuber I've ever met, at least he's not as bad as Toastbye..." I snickered, looking down at Ruben's half dead body.

"They're both infinitely better." Kevin chuckled.

Anger was building up inside me, but I let it go. I wasn't going to get pissed off and punch Kevin over a joke.

"We should just like, ditch their bodies here. I mean, what good have Abby or Ruben ever done, right?" I joked around, gesturing my hands to demonstrate my jester.

"Totes," Kevin replied.

"But seriously, what the fuck do we do?" I told him.

"Let's rape them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)." Andres suggested.

Kevin rose his arms up in confusion, he contorted his face in a humorous way that almost made it seem as if he didn't care.

"Let's take them back into the Band Room, I have to leave and I can't stay here forever, at least Choi or someone else can take care of them two." I suggested.

"Okay, I guess." Kevin began to lift Abby's frail head with his large, powerful arms, before dropping it back down on the pavement. "By the way, can I get a ride?"

I rolled my eyes. "I've told you multiple times, no." How could Kevin he so forgetful.

"Can I get a ride?" Andres meekly whispered.

"No, neither of you can. My parents hate both you." I reminded them of an event where I offered them a ride, but they failed to say 'thank you' to my father, causing him to refuse giving rides to them forever.

We carried Abby and Ruben's bodies into the Band Room, well, Kevin and Andres carried them; I was pathetically weak and couldn't lift up even a dead mouse's head, had one appear next to the tree by the Band Room.

"What the hell," Ms. Choi remarked, flinging her arms up. "What's up with Ruben! He looks like Glenn! And Abby?! She's so tough! How does this happen!" Ms. Choi interrogated both Kevin, Andres and I. We slowly explained to her the whole situation.

"Christ..." Ms. Choi dug her face into the palms of her small, sweaty, anxious hands. "Ugh," she said, releasing her stress. "Set them over there." Ms. Choi pointed to a corner to the right side of the Band Room.

I immediately jumped out of there, unlocking my abnormally large phone, seeing tons of messages from my mother.

'Where the fuck are you; Get over here now!'

I ran home as fast as I could, we had recently moved pretty close to the school, only 15 minutes walking, so I was sometimes allowed to walk home. Sometimes being due to the fact that my mother didn't trust me much, for whatever reasons.

I ran down the apartment complex, making my way to mine.

"Hello!" A tall, blond man greeted me, he was entering his apartment which was on the surface level, directly ahead of mine which was on the second floor. "Good afternoon," He said, smiling warmly.

"Oh? Good afternoon!" I told him as he walked into his apartment.

I ran up the stairs that lead to my apartment. I opened the door and saw that no one was home.

"Mom?" My voice echoed into the apartment, the lights were off and eerieness was bouncing off the walls.

She had a tendency to leave me home alone, now, due to our moving; but she'd never text me to get back home, and then not be here. Secondly, she never leaves the door open when she's not home.

I turned on my phone to see that our previous conversation never happened, she never asked me to come home. She never texted me at all.

I moved across my home and sat on our living room couch and began to browse my social medias, as usual, I checked my Facebook for updates in our group chat, of which there were none. I opened Instagram to check on my feed. Empty and boring, as usual.

I have to admit I felt unnerved, there was no sound at all, nothing. I got up to check each room.

I walked to the kitchen, pulling open and slamming closed each cabinet. I walked to the bathroom, which was styled red and black.

I walked over to the shower curtain, full of tension, I gripped the curtain and pulled it open!


I sighed in relief and checked both hallway closets. Nothing.

I began to walk back to the sofa, my feet gliding across the tile and then carpet.

I immediately looked back to the closets as I heard a sound, a scratching noise, like the noise that emits when you scratch something.

I ran over to the closet and threw open the doors, my Blue Neighborhood at my side.

Band Class Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now