The Madman and The Chain Part 1

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We made our way down the right side chamber of the church, followed by the holy smell of the church itself.

The chamber was small, but what's important was the door.

In the chamber was a black, metal door that was already open. A peek inside revealed a void of darkness that became a cavern once my eyes adjusted to the shadows.

We made our way into the cavern which descended quite a bit before it reached a final surface, which was a long, torch lit hallway.

"This place gives me the spooks, I feel like Hillary is gonna pop out and rape or something." I muttered.

"Hm, unfunny." Kevin replied.

"Shut up fag," I told him.

"Flex your stomach before I punch you there," Kevin shot back.

"Kys, negro."

We proceeded through the dark hallway, having our footsteps echo infinitely throughout it. The torches grew brighter and brighter and the hallway expanded, it widened, as we continued.

"Oh look, a convenient room that's most likely here to advance plot. How odd." I muttered.

"Daniella?" I shouted into the room.

"Yo, gorilla bitch, you here?" Kevin also shouted.

From the end of the dimly lit room was muffled movement.

"Can't see shit, is that her?" I told Juan and Kevin.

Juan pulled out his 『Rogue One』 and created a small helicopter. The helicopter was orange and had a large flashlight hooked onto it.

From the now lit room, we were able to spot a large, wooden chair. And upon the chair, was a chained up Daniella Martinez.

"Hm, there's the gorilla," Juan stated, waving his hands at the hairy girl. "Hm, guess she's dead. Oh well, mission not complete, Micheala."

"Dead? Bullshit, Benny Starlite was wrong but he's not fucked up enough to just let her die," I replied. "Though, she was bleeding and suffering trauma from Bibles, and she was having a heavy seizure..." I stood there with my hands at my face, pondering what to do.

"Well, she did try to kill me," I told Juan and Kevin.

"I was really looking forward to beating the shit out of her," Kevin spoke in a sort of disappointment.

"Hm, same," Juan answered.

"I mean, you can beat the shit out of her. She's dead, but her body is right there. Sure it's a little fucked up, but no one else is here," I told Kevin.

"A little punch can't hurt," Kevin summoned his 『Avenged Sevenfold』 and readied a punch. "It has to be perfect..." Kevin mumbled as he positioned Daniella's head around, making sure it was perfect to punch.

"That's the spot," he said.

Then, his Stand jabbed forward, but it stopped centimeters from Daniella's face.

"Agh!" Kevin shouted. I looked over in surprise and concern as to what was happening.

"What?" I asked Kevin, but his face was frozen in place, in shock. His whole body, his and his Stand's, were frozen in place, positioned in a punch.

"So, she isn't dead?" Juan asked.

"I dunno, but something's protecting her. And it's not her Stand, we would've seen it by now. Some external force, like an enemy Stand User, is protecting her..." I told Juan. "Stay alert," I whispered to him.

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