White Noise

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"HAHAHA!" Luben laughed maniacally, drowning out the howls of pain and agony that Choi emitted.

"He's won. There's nothing we can do." I muttered, turning to my side, seeing Ruben in total shock. It must be hard to see someone who looked exactly like you, who's also trying to kill you.

"Face it, band kiddos. I've won, you're all maggots. Just kill yourselves already! In fact, here. Take turns." Luben threw a blade to us and walked off.

We grit our teeth in rage.

"Oh, and..." Luben turned around. "Don't try to escape." He winked and smirked, paddling away.

"What do we do now?!" Everyone began hurling suggestions and questions forward.

"We have to find a way out, there has to be a way out."

We spent minutes trying to find a way out, a loose board, something, attempting to ignore the screams.

"It's over. There's nothing we can do." We sighed, giving our last breath of hope, releasing it into the air the surrounded us.

"Not if I can help it!" Viviana got up from the floor. "I'm not giving up just yet!"

She approached a wall and took a deep breathe. Sparks began forming around her fists.

"Wah!" She screeched. "What the hell is this!"

The alarms began to sound and Luben came running through the halls.

"Chikubi..." He mumbled. "I thought I destroyed the last Chikubi users! Ugh!"

Luben hopped down from the balcony he stood upon and confronted Viviana, his shadow looming over her.

"Oh well. Another one bites thebdust, I suppose."

As soon as those words flew out of Luben's mouth, zooming past his dry lips, he began emitting a dark red aura and Viviana went flying across the room.

"What the hell just happened!" These words were exchanged among everyone except Ruben who stood quietly.

"What do you mean, do you not see that?" Ruben told us.

"That giant thing above him." We stood confused and bewildered and Ruben's remarks, we saw nothing.

"What?! You're a Stand User too?!" Luben began to sweat and shake in anxiety and anger.

"Stand?" Ruben questioned.

"Well then. This will just get easier!" Luben howled in maniacal laughter.

There was a flash of light as a breeze swept by Ruben, before stopping with the sound of a loud collision before Ruben.

Ruben's face was in shock, as well as Lubens.

We, bewildered, began to step away from this exchange of invisible blows.

"Since you can activate your stand now... I suppose I'd explain my Stand." Luben stood tall and began to look over us all.

"A Stand is a physical manifestation of the User's Fighting Spirit. My Stand, White Noise, will kill you all!" Luben approached Ruben and more invisble collisions began occuring.

"Hmph. Since your 'Stand' is White Noise, and you're opposite... I shall name my Stand, BLACK NOISE!" Ruben barked and Luben went flying back.

"Argh! You have no control over your Stand, yet, it sent me flying," Ruben propped himself forward. "I have no time for these childish games. White Noise, Static Barrage!"

Suddenly, loud static blasted through the room and our vision became blurred. All that was visible was the sight of Luben pressing on a button and escaping.

A few seconds later, the sound was gone and our vision was cleared. Our natural instinct was to look around the barren, dark room, only to see Ruben falling to the floor and Ms. Choi unconsious on the floor in front of us as well.

"Ms. Choi! Ruben!" We ran to the fallen bodies and checked for life.

Luckily, they were both fine and we returned to the Band Room after escaping through the same way Luben did.

A Stand. What a mysterious concept. I wondered.

"Stand..." Ruben said to himself.

"What if we had ones too!" Daniela, Flute, brought up. "What would my Stand be?!"

"Planet of The Apes..." Someone muttered in the back.

"That's rude!" Daniela said, everyone burst into laughter.

Except Choi and Ruben.

It was fantastic that we got over Edgar's death, we are humans of course, we're built to move on and survive. But still, I couldn't help but to feel mournful within.

"I'd name my Stand... Something badass," Juan coughed. "Rogue One." He said, looking off into the distance.

Walking home, the sun set and the sunlight faded into a deep blood red, and soon into a moonlit violet.

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