Triton's RadioHead! Part 2

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"RadioHead, Decibel Destructo Blast!"

Triton swung his arm and sent me flying, he had strength that I didn't expect.

He pointed his finger towards the Kevin Clones and explosions came their way.

They all gasped and jumped out of the way, but fell short to the massive explosive barrage of sound.

I couldn't hear a thing but there was still a sound, silent screaming. My ears began to bleed and I fell to my knees in pain. This was worse than when a Brass Player blasts into your ears, but yet, there was no sound.

Triton's Stand, although it's abilities were bizarre, was terrifying!

"Estando Powah!" One of the Seven Kevin's shouted as the others followed behind him, jumping on top of each other.

"MC...Seventh!" The Kevin's began to form a giant, monstrosity with white skin and blue armour, it's purple eyes gazed with fury and passion at King Triton. "Kevin!" It shouted, completing it's named.

MC Seventh Kevin!

A visible Stand?! God, this journey get's far more odd everyday.

"A visible Stand?!" King Triton had read my thoughts and was shocked that I could see it too.

"He couldn't have a..." He began to swear nervously. "No, of course not. Only stars like I can have a Stand." Triton focused on MC Seventh Kevin.

"A Stand that's visible to Non-Stand Users must be quite the powerful Stand," King Triton brushed hair strands away from his eyes. "But my RadioHead will rise above all, especially under the control of a Star like me." He chuckled deviously.

MC stood quietly, gazing downward to Triton, shadows filling it's face maliciously.

"Quiet, huh? Well then... Allow me to play some tunes!" King Triton threw his coat off and dropped a small stereo to the floor. It turned on itself, automatically playing Triton's original music.

"I will kill you, and destroy every bit of you, erase you, before this song finishes." King Triton smirked and ran toward MC Seventh Kevin.

"Enough." A shrill voice rang from the hallways.

"Augh!" King Triton was thrown backwards, as if something had punched him, he spat out blood.

"What?!" MC looked surprised, he had not attacked Triton.

"M-M-My Lord!" King Triton tipped his hat and cowered in fear.

"Triton, I asked you to wipe out the Band Geeks, not to fool around and let your narcissistic ego get ahead of you."

King Triton's face was become barren of blood, falling to a frightening pale color.

"M-M-My apologies, Lord Luben..." Triton meekly mumbled.

"Don't let it happen again. Leave."

King Triton scurried away, running in fear as fast as he could.

"Micheala, coincidence seeing you here, considering I told Triton to bring forth Kevin." Luben exclaimed. "Maybe I shouldn't let him run off."

The echoes of Triton's scramming feet stopped suddenly.

"Or... He will be useful later."

And so they continued.

MC was paralyzed in fear, as such was I. Luben had returned after only a short recess and he had plans to kill us all. This was bad, really bad.

"I won't kill you."

I looked up in shock.

"I won't kill you just yet. I want you to tell your friends to kill themselves." Luben giggled malevolently. "I want you to run off to your little wimpy friends...and tell them to kill themselves, and to record it. I get giddy just thinking of Abby holding a glittery knife to her breast and jamming it in. Ooh!" Luben licked his lips.

"Now, what I'm really wondering is how Ruben got his Stand. I mean, I didn't touch him," I felt my eyes widen in fear. Could Luben give people Stand's by touching them?! "Oh. Oops, I shouldn't have said that. Oh well, it makes me seem scarier now, doesn't it."

I looked up to seeing MC, who had shrunk back again into 7 Kevin Clone's who stood back, protecting each other, sweating and shaking in utter fear.

"I haven't forgotten about yooouuu," Luben said in a playfully terrifying voice. "You 6 are my play things," Luben's left eyebrow raised in confusion. "6..." He counted them again and again.

"Six?!" Luben's eyes filled with rage, but set down into calmness, the same eerie and frightening calmness he had when he tortured Choi.

"I must've miscounted the first time," Luben turned around to face me. "Anyways, Micheala... Go, run off and cry to your Band..."

I got up and ran, feeling heavier. I turned around to see that one of the Kevin's had jumped and clung onto me.

Looking past that, I saw Luben executing the 6 Kevin's with a blast of bleach white.

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