Luben Attacks! Part 1

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"I-Is that thing Black Noise?!" I pointed in fear toward the Thunderbird like being.

"Obviously, it's black, and it looks like static, white noise, so yeah." Ruben mumbled.

I quickly ran to my sketchbook and began to sketch Black Noise, I couldn't take a picture obviously since Stands could only be seen by Stand Masters.

Then it came to me.

"Wait, where's my Stand?"

"I dunno. My Stand appeared when I was in danger, maybe I need to punch you again." Ruben smirked and my heart sank.

"Mmmmm nothankyoubb." I pondered.

"Do I get to name my Stand?"

I saw Ruben's face pop in questionable curiosity.

"I don't know, mine's just Black Noise because it's the opposite of White Noise, right? You probably can nane it."

"I'd name it, but I should probably first see if I even have a Stand."

"If you can see my Stand, you must have a Stand." Black Noise disappeared into Ruben's body. "Only a Stand User and see a Stand."

"Oh...right." I replied.

"Guys, you have to see this!" Someone ran in and yelled from the door.

Both Ruben and I ran out to the front of the school, but saw nothinf unusual.

"Nothing wrong here?" I said.

"Just a simple night, nothing's wrong." Ruben and I mumbled.

"That's the thing.. It's 4 PM."Ms. Choi said.

"O shit dawg." We ran back to the Band Room.

"L-L-Luben!" I shouted.

"M-M-M-Micheala!!!!" Luben mocked my screams of fear.

I was triggered, in all honesty, but any bitterness I had was quickly replaced by fear when I saw his Stand.

White Noise took over the dark, black sky like a flashlight in a dark room. The static of it's body writhed and flashed around like lightening. It soared up to the sky and looked to resemble a Thunderbird, a God amongst us ants.

"Oh? So the gay kid got a Stand? That's depressing." Luben stared at Ruben's eyes. "You? You're Black Noise is equivalent to my White Noise, why did I ever doubt that you could give Stands away as well. Oh well," Luben became playfully menacing. "I'll be ending this now, I suppose."

"It's three against one!" Ms. Choi shouted over the thundering waves of static.

"5!" Both Kevin and Bartholomew came to the rescue.

"8!" Juan, Abby, and Andres Garcia ran to us, posing heroically.

"Like it'll make a difference, only two of you have Stands, and only one of them can actually use it." We began to sweat and shake, he was righf, and there wasn't time for Black Noise to give us all Stands... or was there?

"Well, I'll start with the narrator." White Noise charged at me and without thinking, I charged at it.

"Ruben! Give everyone a Stand!" I shouted so that he could hear.

I looked back and saw Black Noise touching the 5  others.

"Fuck yeah, I'll have the best Stand." Andres boasted.

"No nigga, I will." Juan replied.

"Dank." Kevin shouted.

Quick, what's a good Stand name?!
I thought as I charged to White Noise, maybe if I gave it a name, it would obey me.

Quick, what's a gay band?!!?!?!

"Blue Neighborhood!" I shouted, flying toward White Noise and it almost seemed as if time had stopped. Not because I had actually managed to summon my Stand, a blue character, but because White Noise was so incredibly fast that it punched me with speeds that I couldn't fathom.

I rose my head and saw a light, greyish blue character, about 6 ft tall, with stripes. It's non-existent eyes stared into my soul.

"Blue.. Neighborhood?" It walked toward me and I was filled with shock.

"Avenged Sevenfold!" Kevin shouted, a dark aura grew around him  and from his palm that was pushed forward came a giant titan.

It's head was a large, malevolent skull, with seeping eyes of death, it's thick but long neck supported it, it had shoulder pads of ebony darkness, it's chest was grey and in the smack middle layed another skull with the wings of a bat. And behind Avenged Sevenfold, sprouted two long, evil, yet majestic wings.

"Uh... Black Parade?" Abby muttered. Another black aura grew around her. Nothing happened. And then, I looked behind her, a tall female looking figure stood there. It was grey and black, built and frightening, The Black Parade.

Fear was beginning to shape and morph Luben's face.

"Hmph. Makes no difference, you can't even contro-" Luben was buttering along his self-confidence speech, until he was punched by Avenged Sevenfold.

"What?! White Noise! That speed..." Luben muttered.

"What? Did you just admit that my Avenged Sevenfold is faster?" Kevin boasted.

"Rogue One!" Juan shouted, and right next to him appeared a droid-like Stand. "Fucking badass."

"This Stand business is too much. I trust y'all to finish this. I have kids to yell at." Ms. Choi walked away.

"Andres, what about your stand?" Abby asked Andres.

"I'll bring it out later, I want to give it a dank ass name." 

"Y tho." Abby said, before turning around to face the menace, the brooding, triangular-jawed foe.

"Luben, you're going to pay." Bartholomew clenched his fists.

"I won't, I have friends." Luben raised his arms menacingly and from behind, came King Triton.

"You may all have Stands, but a Star like me will never, NEVER! Lose to couple of gay band nerds. Radiohead," His orange aura grew and Radiohead, a largely built beast flew out. "Decibel Destructo Blast!" RadioHead slammed it's claws on the floor, roared and from the large speakers within it's chests flew out a blast of power.

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