(OLD) Chapter 26

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Note: If you saw my Wattpad status post, my tweet, my Snapchat story, or my Instagram story, (wow, so much social media) you'll know I promised I'd post Friday night. Well, it's still night where I am! HERE WE ARE!

Let's get right to it, shall we?

PREVIOUSLY ON THE CLASSIX: Lex is a method actor. Jared Leto, get in line. (This is an interesting coincidence.)


As I wait in my trailer for the hairdressers to arrive, my eyes can't help but wander past the bathroom to my bedroom nightstand. There they are––a fresh stack of tabloids, their stickers on the front proudly proclaiming today's date. Over the week on set I'd sworn off reading the magazines they brought to me each morning. I'd initially thought them to be a makeshift Analytix during my time here; a means of knowing what's going on outside the plot line of Onward Train.

I was gravely mistaken.

Reading magazines as a Famoux member is a form of torture in itself. They show us what the world is lying about regarding our characters far too late for us to do anything to stop it. There's so much reading in between the lines, squinting to see if a photo has been doctored to fuel the drama of an adjoining article. Worst of all, they most always are, and there's nothing we can do about it now that they're in print.

That's the hardest thing: It is so incredibly difficult to grasp when you're reading an article about how much of a "Monster on set!!!" you are that someone, somewhere in the world is reading that article too and believing every word it says.

After leafing through a dozen complete falsifications about my personal life over this week, it became increasingly more difficult to decipher whether or not the things written about my fellow Famoux members were false as well. I had to stop reading the papers entirely just to keep myself sane.

Even so, it's tempting not to take a peek when there's a new pile of them by my bed everyday. I've never been good at containing my curiosity, especially when the magazines are so accessible. When I glimpsed the top of the pile earlier in the morning, I was met with Kaytee and Race's faces, blown up to fill the whole front page. The headline exclaimed, THEY'VE GROWN ON US!

I was moving out of the room too quickly to read any further, but it piqued my attention nonetheless.

Sitting here now in the bathroom, tapping my fingers anxiously against the countertop, my interest simply won't dwindle.

Hurried, I get up and grab the first three magazines in the stack, taking them back to my salon chair before I can even think about changing my mind. My eyes scan the words surrounding Kaytee and Race's headline:


Of course, I immediately flip to page eight. Twenty faces fill the page, accounting for the "TOP TEN COUPLES OF DELICATUM." They're listed in order, 1 to 10, with captions and statistics from their fan-voted poll.

I can't help but be reminded of the Volx just looking at it.

Eight of the couples I vaguely recognize––nonFamoux people I've seen once or twice at the premieres or parties I've attended. The only two couples I know of for sure are the first and last.

1: Calsifer Race and Kaytee McKarrington

10: Cartney Kirk and Emeray Essence

It transpires after reading the captions that Kaytee and Race have been receiving quite the boost since the Fanatix first showed up. In fact, I've discovered over this week of reading the tabloids that most all of the Classix members have been improving their public image as well thanks to the Fanatix.

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