Publishing News

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Happy Famoux Friday, my loves.

Fancy seeing you here!!!! It's been a while, I know, but I thought I'd let you in on a little secret I've been keeping for some time.

I know some of you have been wondering why I wasn't updating The Classix/why I said I couldn't continue writing it due to some changes to the first book. On that note, many people were wondering about the first book and why there were changes being made at all. And some of you already cracked the code a few weeks ago and sent me a message about what you saw when you googled The Famoux. Wellllllll.....


It's available for preorder basically everywhere you can buy a book, and it will be on shelves January 19, 2021. CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE IT?!

And check out the gorgeous cover attached to this post! Isn't she gorgeous?! The Fishbowl in the background?! Can you not wait to hold that glossy neon cover in your hands?!?!

I have been unable to properly articulate the thanks I want to give to you for making this possible. This is an idea I dreamed up in middle school, posted on Wattpad in high school, and edited throughout college. I just graduated college last month, and it is not lost on me how serendipitous it is to emerge from school with news like this. But I am not taking credit for making this possible for myself. This is genuinely only happening because YOU read the book and enjoyed it like you did. I cannot thank you enough for bringing so much joy and goodness to my life. I am never going to stop thanking you.

And I am SO EXCITED for you to read this new draft! You know how The Famoux is an absolute behemoth of a novel with 88 chapters and 270k words? Longer than James Joyce's famously big novel Ulysses? This draft is...a normal size! Less 800 pages, more....300-something. That said, changes and sacrifices needed to be made. We even have some name changes! We even have *gasp* changes to the ending!!! I am so proud and excited to share this with you, after sharing every step of the first-draft process with you online.

Also, the first book is almost at 5M reads, and that is amazing. I am just endlessly amazed with how wonderful you have been with this story. I see the comments of people rereading for the third/fourth/fifth time, and that's absolutely surreal to me. Thank you. THANK YOU. I can't wait for you to read this book in January 2021.

Stay tuned for more news as it comes in. And, as always, remember...

Sticks and Stones may break your bones, but haters make you famoux.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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