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Who: You, the reader. Me, the author. And the Famoux you know and (hopefully) love.

What: A new start. A new direction. A clearer path to book 3. A REPOST OF THE CLASSIX.

Where: Right here, right after this update. The old chapters will stay in the front of the book because I know how important it is to show progress, and I'd love for you to see how my ideas change from draft to draft.

Why: I didn't like what I was writing before Halloween, and I was in a really bad place of doubt and questioning about most aspects of my life. In the last month of me not posting, I added a double major (publishing and motion pictures, in case you were wondering), struggled with the mistake I'd made of taking predominantly upperclassmen classes and being very unprepared with the workload, and, of course, I planned and re-planned and re-planned Classix until I found a good way to make things mesh. Even now, I'm still not sure if it's perfect.

But here's the thing: I'm taking this series very seriously, and in order to take it seriously I couldn't throw random chapters at you and make things even more complicated than they were. I know a lot of people were disappointed in me for not updating. I can't tell you how guilty I've felt about not posting whenever a Friday came around. I miss you. I miss you so much, and I want you to know how much I care about you and want to bring you an entertaining story. I will never ever be gone more than a month again.

That being said,

When: Next week. We start the New Classix next week, when I'm FINALLY done with all of my final exams. I'm about to write my little heart out to bring us back to the chapter we left off on, and I intend on catching you up as quickly as possible.

I missed you. The Famoux missed you. We'd like to welcome you back home.

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