Chapter 5 - Welcome to the team

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"We have made a decision, We have decided to keep our bionics." Riley said with a smile.

"Great." Everyone smiled and nodded.

"Normally, We would send you to the Academy, But you would be the only students, and Krane would probably expect you to be there." Mr.Davenport said.

"So that only leaves us one choice." Kaz smiled as he thought of the idea.

"You're right kaz, So without further a-do Welcome to the team." Mr.Davenport smiled

"Oh, I was going to suggest that Oliver uses his freeze powers to freeze them in time, But Yeah, Your idea works too." Kaz said idiotically.

"Is he always like this, Or should I call someone?" Riley said concerned.

"Yeah, He's Kaz." Skylar chuckled as she looked back doen at her phone.

"It will take us a few minutes to set up the equipment to remove the explosive from you're chips, So why don't you look around for a bit?"Donald said as he and Chase went down the hyper lift.

Maya went to the balcony, Kaz followed behind.

"Beautiful." Kaz said staring at Maya.

"We live in New York, I doubt you haven't seen this before." Maya replied still looking down at all the street signs, and traffic.

"I didn't mean the city."

Maya stared blankly at Kaz for a moment, until there was a knock at the front door. No one could of guessed who it could be. Bree opened the door to find no one was there. She then looked down and saw a package, It had no address and no senders name. She opened the box and found a DVD in it.

"Who is it from?" Riley questioned

Maya started to walk back to the living room, Kaz followed. Bree then put the DVD into a DVD player, It was a message from Krane, The DVD was Pre-Recorded.

*Message on DVD*

"So, I see you dis-obeyed My orders to Not double cross me. Well now you shall pay the price, I have activated my Chip explosives, They will deign-ate in 5 minutes. It will melt you're chip, and your brain. Life lesson learned, NEVER double cross me. Not that you'll have one for long."

*Message Ends*

Bree took the DVD out of the DVD player and sat it on the table.

"Well that's just great, Were going to die at 15!" Riley said worriedly.

"No, Honey, you'll die at 15, I'm 16. I'll die at 16." Maya joked

"No, you're not, come on get in the Hyper lift, We will take you down to the lab to get these chips out before its too late." Skylar said in a serious tone.

Riley and Maya shook their heads in agreement, they then headed over to the hyper lift, after they got in, and the lift started moving, it was Riley and Mayas first time on it, So they started screaming (Because the hyper laser goes over 100 Mph (Miles per hour) ). They reached the bottom.

"Chase, Mr.Davenport! Quick are you ready to remove the explosive?" Skylar said in a loud, yet worried voice.

"Yeah, we just finished setting up, Whats going on?" Mr.Davenport replied calm, yet worriedly.

"Krane just sent a message, He said he knew me and Riley double crossed him, Not that we were on his side in the first place, THE GUYS TRIED TO KILL US." Maya loudly yelled as she got out of the elevator.

"Ok, Um, Riley Maya, Quickly get into the capsules!" Chase said quickly.
"Once you get it, Stand completely still."

Maya and Riley went into the capsules, They stood as still as possible, They didn't move a muscle.

"Ok, We are going to start, Once you see the blue beam of light scan you the explosive is out. When it's finished, You can move." Mr.Davenport went to typing on the computer.

Riley and Maya both nodded in agreement.

When they saw the blue light scan them, They knew they could move. So they stepped out of the capsule.

"I'll Scan your chip to see if it was removed. " Chase said.
"Yup, It was removed. And with that said, Welcome to the team."


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