Chapter 18 The finding

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I know this chapter was supposted to be dinner BUT THIS JUST CAME TO ME I hope you like it! BTW: When I use Italics it means the character is Thinking!!! (if you didnt know this is italics :^) )


Smakles POV

I sat on the couch studying Kaz, Oliver, Skylar, and Bree. Although Bree has a bionic chip, she seems as if she has more powers than her chip actually gives her.

I have to think of a way to confront them of their superpowers...But how?

"Hey smakle. Lucas said while sitting down on the chair next to her. "You have you're thinking face on, watcha thinking about?"

Hmm...think of something that'll confuse him so he'll stop asking questions!!!

"I'm just thinking about Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment, its a real page turner....not that....I have a book..." I said

"Oh.." he said while turning around and opening up one of Kaz's comic books.

Aha! I got it!

Smakle leaped out of her chair and walked to Bree. She sat down on stair below the one bree was sitting on.

"Hey Smakle....uh...Isadora?...which is it? I hear them call you both" Bree said

"Its both actually, my full name is Isadora Smakle, but people call me Smakle." I said

"Oh ok smakle, whats up?"

Lets see, I already know all of her bionic powers cause I read it in a book when buonic humans were first known to the public.....but she dosent lnow that.

"I was just wondering, what are all your powers...?"

"Well, uh, invisibility, super speed, proton ring generation, thermo nuclear power blast,and electrokinesis." She replied

Half of those powers werent mentioned in the article, I know they have hidden abilities but she would be shocked with electricity so badly when using her electokinesis that she wpuld die. She CANT BE JUST BIONIC. I have to find out more.

"Thanks for the info bree....Ill be right back" I said as I ran up the stairs into the room I was staying in while I was visiting.
I scrambled threw my suit case until I found my phone. I went to my notepad and wrote;

I ran up all 6 flights of stairs and backdown

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I ran up all 6 flights of stairs and backdown. I checked every nook and cranny, every room, everywere. I just couldnt find him.
I walked into the living room and leaned onto the wall. I suddenly fell backwards

What the...

I got into the elevator and pushed the close door button. I was suddenly in some type of underground base.

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