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Katelyn's POV

"I still think this is a terrible idea," I cross my arms. I don't feel like getting in the hot tub completely, so I'm just dipping my feet in. I was having a pretty good time earlier, but now, I feel a bit guilty. And how will we cover up our tracks? There's no way we could cover up that we were all in the hot tub before they come home. Don't we need to drain it or something? The word will get out somehow.
"It'll be fine. Chillax, Kate," Lucinda rests both of her elbows on the side of the hot tub and sinks deeper into the water. She put her hair in a ponytail so that her hair wouldn't get wet, but her hair is slightly getting into the water. Fine. If Lucinda says not to worry about it, then I have no sympathy. NONE. Irene, hanging out with Travis has made me softer...
"Do you guys hear that?!" Nicole yells and all of the girls shut up. Oh my Irene. ARE THE GUYS HOME?!?!

Travis's POV

"WOW, THAT WAS A LONG DAY OF DOING STUFF!!!" Garroth talks obnoxiously loud. It's more like yelling in my opinion.
"YOU'RE RIGHT, GARROTH!!! WE SHOULD JUST RELAX IN THE HOT TUB OR SOMETHING!!!" Laurence replies even louder than Garroth.

Katelyn's POV

OH IRENE. OH MY FREAKING IRENE. We are all freaking out, not knowing whether to run or to all try and pile in the hot tub and hide. I try and think. What could we do?! Well one, this wasn't my terrible idea, so I shouldn't be the one thinking of anything.
"Lucinda~Sama?!" Kawaii~Chan hisses, "WHAT DO WE DO?!"
"How the heck do I know?!" Lucinda whisper-yells back. For once she doesn't sound relaxed. I feel like her voice just sounds tired in general, but now she sounds completely frazzled. Then, I think of an idea.

Travis's POV

"YEAH, LET'S GO IN THE BACKYARD!!!" I yell and Dante swings the gate open.
"AH-huh...?" Dante scratches his head. I shove him and stand in front. Where did all of the fly honeys go?! They were right here!
"Uhhh, they're not there..." Garroth mentions.
"Yeah, we got that, Captain Obvious," Laurence snorts, "Where could they have gone...?"
"I have no clue," Dante walks around the backyard a bit, "I don't see a group of girls anywhere!"
"They couldn't have gotten away that fast!" Laurence crosses his arms.
"Maybe they took the secret route under the hot tub that leads to the nearest Starbucks..." I think aloud.
"I'm just kidding!" I assure Garroth, Laurence, and Dante. "There is no secret route!" I walk over to the hot tub and look at the bubbling water. "At least I don't think there is..."
"Let's not be irrational," Dante sighs, "They're somewhere." I look around. Nothing seems different. The water is normally in the hot tub, so that's normal... the rocking chairs haven't been moved either... Maybe they actually weren't here. Maybe it was just too good to be true--- wait. I see a large trail of water leading onto the porch and into the house. I smirk. Bingo.

Katelyn's POV


Travis's POV

Without telling the other guys, I follow the trail of water, and as luck would have it, it leads right into the house, past the kitchen, down the stairs and to my bedroom door...

Katelyn's POV


Travis's POV

I put my hand on the handle, wondering if I should even bother. It would be incredibly stupid for them to hide in my room.

Katelyn's POV


Travis's POV

I open the door and right away, my mouth forms into a smirk. I can't even believe... oh my Irene... IT'S A DREAM COME TRUE!!! A BUNCH OF HOT GIRLS IN BATHING SUITS IN MY ROOM!!! I don't even know what to say when I see Katelyn's terrified and angry face.
"Well hel~loo there, ladies!"

Well, it looks like the girls were caught! Thank you for reading this chapter! A new chapter will be out soon!

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