Bound To You

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Travis' POV

I can feel myself trembling with excitement, my heart beating wildly. Maybe I should hold it in place so it doesn't decide to run away. As I stand at the altar, I twiddle my thumbs, trying to disguise my ever-growing excitement and nervousness. Garroth, whom of which decided to pose as the ring bearer since he couldn't be the best man, walks down the aisle first. He holds the cushion with the rings on it delicately and joins my Best Man, Zane, and Laurence as they stand to my right. Next, Kawaii~Chan walks down, all dressed up in her dazzling bridesmaid dress, tossing petals as she walks. Following her are Katelyn's other bridesmaids, including Cadenza, Lucinda, and Nicole, with Aphmau bringing the rear as the Maid of Honor. She smiles wide, specifically at me, so I wink playfully, causing her to laugh aloud. I look back at the aisle, which is now sprinkled in gorgeous flower petals. I'd always imagined there would be a day that I'd be standing in this exact place, waiting impatiently for the girl of my dreams to appear from the glowing doorway and walk toward me, her dress dragging on the aisle behind her. And that's exactly what Katelyn did. She glided through the double doorway, standing at the edge of the aisle, seeming to be waiting for some sort of cue. The audience stood from their pews and turned to look at her in her beautiful wedding dress. I wished a veil wasn't covering her face so I could see what her expression was. Is she scared? Excited? Nervous?

Katelyn's POV

I am crying underneath of my veil. The tears come happily, although, as I stare at Travis, waiting on the other side of the aisle. For me. I take a step forward, my heels clanking ungracefully against the wooden flooring, so I walk softer and less abrupt as I continue. As I keep getting closer to Travis, I start to see my future unfold before me. His emerald eyes tell a million stories of the past, present, and future that I always get lost in. I can't wait to stare into those eyes until they close forever. When I reach Travis, he lifts my veil, revealing my face with black streaks of my makeup falling down with my tears. Travis looks highly sympathetic, asking me,
"Are you okay, Blueberry...?" I smile weakly at him as he wipes the corners of my eyes with his thumbs.
"Never better, dork."
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the bonding of Travis Valkrum and Katelyn the Fire Fist in holy Matrimony." The priest moves his head and looks expectantly at Travis. "Travis Valkrum, do you take Katelyn to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Travis looks at me, a silly, yet poised, grin on his face.
"I do."
"And do you, Katelyn, take Travis Valkrum to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The words slip out of my mouth almost immediately,
"I do."
"Then by the power invested in me," the priest lifts up both of his arms. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
"Blueberry," Travis corrects the priest, giving him a smirk. The priest gives Travis a confused look, but he restates,
"You may kiss the Blueberry...?" I roll my eyes at Travis as he wraps his arms around me and dips me backwards.
"Was that necessary?"
"Of course it was," Travis winks. "because you're my Blueberry!"
"You dork," I tease him before roughly pressing my lips upon his. He kisses me back, but softer and more flirtatious than I'm kissing him. The kisses we share makes me feel fully bound to him and I want more of this feeling, so I kiss him more. The audience cheers loudly, clapping; I can even hear some sobbing. When Travis finally pulls away, he sweeps me off of my feet so he's holding me bridal-style and stares down lovingly at me. "You know, I don't know if I'll be able to handle dealing with you for the rest of my life," I joke. He smiles sincerely,
"Ah, well you'll have to learn how to." Travis pecks my lips and I stare into those wondrous eyes. "cause' I'll always be by you, Katelyn."

And that's not bad at all.

Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter! This is the final chapter of the book! Continue reading for acknowledgements!

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