Hands on the Wheel

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Katelyn's POV

I held his hand all that I could until they made me leave. Then I sat in the waiting room, fiddling with my fingers. Agitated and impatient, I begin combing through my hair with my fingers. To my left, a little girl sits in the seat next to me holding a small orange clutch purse. Her hair is a bright blond and her skin pale. She looks at me with her dark orange eyes and says,
"I've seen you before."
"Hmm?" I look down at her. She looks around eight years old or so, but her face doesn't ring any bells.
"Yeah, I think I saw you at Starbucks one time. You were with a white-haired man, who my friend, Abby, told me his name is Travis. I saw her and her dad there too when my mom had taken me!" I blink a few times, amazed on how she remembers all of that. But I guess you can remember whatever you want to remember. Then why can I not forget the image of Travis's pure white hair turning red when his body was smashed...? The girl continues after my lack of response, "Abby and I have been friends for a long time. She's talked about you before, Katelyn." When she says my name, a bit of fear hits me, but it fades when I remember that this girl must be at the hospital for a reason.
"What's your name?" I ask her.
"Beatrice," she scrunches her nose, "but I think that sounds awful, so call me Beebee." Her smile is bright and wide, just like Travis's. "I kind of think my mom must've hated me to name me that."
"I think Beatrice is a lovely name," I tell her. Beebee shakes her head, but she doesn't deny my compliment verbally.
"How's Travis by the way?" She asks. I shuffle my feet, but I'm surprised that the flashback of Travis getting hit doesn't jumble my brain.
"That's why I'm here," I reply coldly, "He got hit by a car." Beebee gasps, her face turning paler.
"My mom was driving the car!" Beebee isn't smiling anymore, "I didn't know that was who we hit... I am... SO SORRY..."
"Wait, I don't understand," I say.
"We were going to make a surprise visit to see my older sister," she explains.
"Who's your sister?" But before Beebee can answer, a voice calls out,
"Beebee!" I look over to see Lucinda staring at us. I stand up and so does Beebee, but she runs toward Lucinda, tears flying out of her eyes and landing in pools on the floor. Lucinda embraces her in her arms, a few tears slipping out of her closed eyelids. Beebee whispers apologies over and over again while mascara drips down Lucinda's cheeks and lands in Beebee's blond hair. I just stare at them, my mouth slightly open. This little girl just wanted to see her sister, but now she's crying and probably feels like a monster for hitting Travis with the car when she didn't even have her hands on the wheel. Looking down, I stare at my bruised hands and now I try to remember the impact. He pushed me and I scrapped my knees and calloused my hands. Travis wasn't the only one who got scars, but I don't feel a drop of anger at all. He smiles because he's alive and Beebee cries because death came so close. I look back up at Beebee and Lucinda, who are still hugging and crying. So what is it going to be? Am I going to cry or am I going to smile? When the tears fill my eyes, I crack a smile. Emotions are fighting in my brain, so when Beebee throws her arms around me without me noticing, I get shot in the heart by sadness. But the tears stop falling, so all that's left is a smile on my face.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm hoping to lighten the mood in the next few chapters, so I'm excited for that! A new chapter will be out soon!

Always be by You (Travlyn) [✔️]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें