Too Cool To Be Travis

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Katelyn's POV

My heart is already tearing in two. Travis abruptly stands up from his chair at the sight of him.
"I need to go to the restroom," Travis states and without waiting for my reply, leaves the table. I don't watch him go, just cover my eyes with my hands. I hate this drama. Just let it be over. I know Jefforey will come over here when he is done ordering his drink. Especially since there's an empty seat in front of me and only one fork, it's as if Travis weren't even here. Oh, why did he have to leave?! He shouldn't be such a wimp. I grab my purse and put the lemon cake with the fork into the brown paper bag, putting that in my purse. Taking both mine and Travis's coffee, I stand up and walk to the exit, avoiding any glance at Jefforey and Abby. Just don't make this anymore awkward than it already is, I think to myself and walk out the door, not looking back.

Travis's POV

He's right outside the door. I'm not scared, just angry. He shouldn't bother me, all that is over. I walk out of the bathroom, casually shutting the door and walking out into the clearing of the Starbucks. But when I see that Jefforey and Abby are sitting at mine and Katelyn's table. Oh boy.
"Oh hello, Jefforey," I greet him, "How have you been?" He looks at me, a glint of hate in his eye, but it's faint. He's smiling and I can't tell if it's fake.
"Pretty good," he replies, "You?"
"Alright. What are you doing at Starbucks?"
"I should be asking you the same question," Jefforey responds calmly, but there was an edge to his voice. I don't know what to say. I think I'm scared now, unsure whether to snap back or to back away. My body tenses.
"Well I asked you first and I expect and answer because right now it seems like you're just here to see Katelyn. That would make you a stalker, Jefforey." I didn't know I had that in me...
"I'm not a stalker. You're the one that is standing at my table talking to me, accusing me of being a stalker in front of my daughter who has no idea what that mean," Jefforey says, a calm tone still in his voice. How does he stay so calm?! OHHH... THAT'S IT.
"I'm surprised."
"You don't seem like a very good father if you're not telling her the basic things," I try to sound smart, "There are lots of cases of kidnapping and rape! You should warn your child of those things if you really care."
"Daddy, what's rape?" Abby asks Jefforey. Jefforey holds his head,
"NOTHING, ABBY!!!" I pull my sunglasses out of my back pocket and slide them smoothly onto my face.
"Whoops," I say and shrug, turning around and as swag as I can be, walk out of Starbucks. I see Katelyn sitting outside on a bench and when she sees me, she looks nervous. I coolly take my coffee from her and take a sip before linking arms with Katelyn. "Let's go, baby."

Swag Travis is back.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Thank you so much for reading! A new chapter will be out soon!

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