Smile, Blueberry

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Katelyn's POV

I'm scared to open the door. To see what's inside. But I turn the handle and push the door open. Inside, Travis lays looking lifeless on a hospital bed, wearing one of those hospital gowns and covered in tubes on his arms and face. I run over to him, the tears forming in my eyes. When I kneel beside his bedside, without even looking at me, he murmurs,
"Yes, it's me..." I reply softly. His bright emerald eyes open and his lips curve to a smile as he reaches out a calloused hand. I take it, bending my head down and putting it in his palm as my tears fall to the floor.
"Y-you know when... you see someone that m-means so much to you... when y-you think of them... all you can d-do is smile...?" He rasps. I look up, seeing that he is still smiling and staring at the ceiling. As if he isn't hurt, as if the car never hit his body, as if the world didn't just crumble for him, he continues to smile.
"You're such a dork..." I laugh and wipe my eyes. He laughs too, and closes his eyes, letting out a few short breaths.
"Do you want to know how it felt for me to get hit by that car...?"
"Terrible?" I scoff, not wanting to be reminded of what happened whatsoever. But just looking at Travis makes me see the impact over and over. I clench my teeth.
"No, it felt amazing."
"Your head got hit too hard." This makes Travis laugh.
"Well, probably," he sighs with relief, "It felt amazing because I knew that you were going to be okay. And if I was going to die just then, I would've died knowing that the one person in life that matters more than anyone else would have just missed experiencing death. Death coward away from you and me and I don't know why, but I'm happier than ever that it did." I stare at him, unable to smile like he can. He has turned my life into and adventure and warped my heart to a warmer place. As if he can read my mind, he asks, "Why aren't you smiling, Katelyn?"
"Because I can't, Travis..."
"It's not that hard, Blueberry---"
"THERE!!!" I flash him the most sad smile I have ever made, feeling my tears roll down faster. Travis looks hard at me before saying,
"I've never seen you cry like this."
"Are you that oblivious?! Do you not remember what happened?! At all?!" I bang my head on the side of the mattress, clenching my fists.
"I remember," he replies calmly, "and I think I will always remember it like the back of my hand." Travis looks up at the ceiling again. "The only difference between the back of my hand and me getting hit by the car is that I still have the back of my hand. What happened to me is only a memory, which isn't something you can hold or touch."
"What does this have to do with me smiling?!"
"Because if death was something you could hold, imagine how close it would be to my heart. But its not. All that's close to my heart is you, Katelyn. That's why I jumped in front of the car and pushed you away. That's why I can smile right now," Travis closes his eyes and breathes softer. I look down at the ring on my finger and fiddle with it. I should tell Travis that I have this...
"Travis, I---" but the door opens and a nurse walks in pushing a cart.
"Hello, I'm here to do Travis Valkrum's treatments and tests," she says, "You can stay in here or wait outside of the room." I stand up, letting go of Travis's hand.
"I think I'll stay in here." The nurse nods and pushes the cart over to Travis's bedside. She then looks at me fiddling with the ring on my finger and asks,
"Is he your husband?" I look at her for a few moments before looking at Travis, who's eyes are closed, yet his mouth is still smiling. Suddenly, I feel a small smile form on my lips as I look back at the nurse and reply,

I hope you guys all enjoyed this chapter! I'm kinda upset that Travlyn doesn't seem to be canon anymore, but LET IT LIVE ON!!! A new chapter will be out soon!

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