Coffee with Confusion

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Travis's POV

"Hey... thanks..." Katelyn murmurs to me. After the incident with the girls in my room in they're bikinis (which was AWESOME), the guys were forced to do the chores themselves and they all think they're going insane. I think. Now, Katelyn and I decided to get some coffee, so we're at the local Starbucks. It's not that crowded, which is strange, but I guess it's pretty late. 5:34 to be exact, so people are probably eating dinner at this point. There are a few stragglers in the shop though. I take Katelyn's hand on top of the table and squeeze it.
"No problem, Blueberry... I'd do anything for you..." I reply seriously, looking deeply into her ice blue eyes. But her eyes turn into an ice-cold glare and I look deeper into them, not afraid of what will happen.
"Don't be so tense," she shakes my hand, "loosen up! What happened to the flirtatious punny Travis! Stop being so serious!"
"You happened," I answer and she stops shaking my hand and let's them lay, mine on top of hers. Her fingers curl so our hands link and I curl my fingers as well.
"Well I didn't mean to change you," she huffs.
"What? You liked who I was? You'd like it if I continued to flirt with people?!" I don't know whether I'm getting upset or confused. I guess I just thought she wanted me to be different.
"No... YES! I don't know, don't get angry at me!" she almost practically yells at me. A few people turn they're heads, but they quickly turn back.
"Look," I say very softly, "just tell me who the perfect guy for you is, and I'll be that guy."
"But I don't want to change you..." Katelyn murmurs, looking at the polished wooden table. I take a sip of my coffee, seeping the flavor and then warmth in my mouth, before standing up. Katelyn looks up at me, confusion filling her gaze.
"I'll be right back," I push my chair in and walk toward the cashier.

Katelyn's POV

If I could change anything about Travis, it would be to make him less confusing. I don't understand what he means! I want him to be himself, yes, but I don't want him to be flirtatious with other people and a pervert. "Then just tell me that." I hear Travis's voice in my head. Yeah. I should just tell him how I feel... right? I take a sip from my coffee and accidentally put the cup down harshly. The cashier yells Travis's name and I immediately whip my head to look. Travis nods his head to the cashier and says "thank you", picking up a small brown bag and a fork. He walks over to me, an adorable grin on his face, his white hair swaying and a little bit in his eyes, making his long eyelashes blink twice as fast. Oh, I love how freaking cute he is... I can't even handle it, so I swallow my words and some spit. Travis sits back down, placing the bag and fork on the table.
"What's that?" I ask him.
"It's lemon bread!" He answers, "I bought it for us to share!" Then Travis looks at the one fork, "Oh crap, I only got one fork." He starts to stand up, but I put a delicate hand on his shoulder. He looks wide-eyed at me.
"We can m-manage..." I say awkwardly and I can already see the blush growing on his face. I pick up the fork and slice the soft bread with the side edge, making sure I get some of the creamy icing. Travis knows what I'm going to do next, so he leans in as I feed him the bread with the fork. "How is it?" I ask him.
"Pretty good!" He chews, then smiles at me, "My turn!" He takes the fork from me, cuts the bread (getting a lot of icing with it) and putting it toward my face. I bite down on the fork and bread, tasting the lemon right as it hits my mouth. The icing definitely has a different taste that I like better, but either way, it's lemon.
"This is really good..." I only have to chew a little bit because most of it just soaks into my mouth so I can swallow. I take the fork from Travis and cut the bread for him. I think he really likes it when I do it because his face is beaming. Right as I put the fork in his mouth, the door to the shop opens and I can hear a little girl complaining. Travis doesn't pay attention to that, he just laughs at the fact of what we're doing. I laugh too, wishing I could be less observant and focus more on this time I have with Travis. But suddenly as I am giving Travis the fork, he pulls his hand away and his expression looks on edge.
"Doesn't that little girl's voice sound farmiliar...?" He asks me and I listen. It... it does... And when we both look over, the little girl is pulling at he daddy's sleeve, while the daddy stares at us.


Thank you so much for reading this chapter and today is Labor Day, so I hope you all are having a fabulous morning! A new chapter will be out soon!

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