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Travis's POV

I'm sitting in my living room, watching some Fairy Tail on TV. After my whole fight with Jefforey, I began to realize the hidden strength deep inside me. Katelyn matters so much to me now. There's nothing I wouldn't do. Nothing scares me anymore. Suddenly, Dante screams and his door bursts open. He falls on the hard floor, continuing to breathe heavily. Now scrambling to get up, he crawls behind the couch.
"D-Dante...? What the heck...?"
"GAHHH!!!" Dante shoves his knees close to his face and yells, "I REGRET EVERYTHING!"
"Same, same," I smirk for a second, but it falls, "What happened?"
"Nicole had recommended this horror film awhile back and I finally decided to search it up on Netflix... it's FREAKY..." Dante sits up and leans against the back of the couch, sighing. Laurence comes out of his room, entering the living room while thumbing through the pages of a book.
"I heard a bunch of screaming," he says, definitely talking quieter than usual, "Don't you guys have any courtesy?" I immediately stick a finger out and point at Dante.
"I'm sorry! I was watching a scary movie!" Dante yells defensively.
"It's fine," Laurence starts walking back to his room, holding the book to his face until the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." Laurence slides a bookmark into the novel and places it on the coffee table before opening the front door.
"Oh! Hello, Laurence~Kun!" I hear a high-pitched voice say. Kawaii~Chan. Standing up to join Laurence at the door, I straighten my sweatshirt and fix the sleeves. I pick up the remote and pause the TV, starting to walk to the door.
"You coming, Dante?" I ask him, not looking back.
"S-sure..." Dante gets off of the ground, still looking frazzled, and follows me to the door. Right when we get there, a strong whiff of vanilla stuffs my senses. Kawaii~Chan is holding a basket of freshly baked cookies, steam floating into her face. She hands the basket to Laurence, smiling.
"What are the cookies for?" I ask and Kawaii~Chan looks at me.
"Ohhhhh, I don't know..." Her hands awkwardly connect in front of her body, her left foot swirling in a circle at the ground. She almost looks embarassed... I immediately take the cookies from Laurence.
"Hey!" Laurence shouts, giving me an angry look.
"Thank you very much Kawaii~Chan for the lovely cookies!" I exclaim, being a little too expressive with my words. I know she wanted to give them to me to thank me for letting the girls escape. I can see it in her eyes as she gives me a small nod and the smile returns to her face.
"Well that was the most awkward thing I have ever seen," Dante crosses his arms. Kawaii~Chan suddenly gasps,
"Dante~Kun! Why are you so pale?!"
"I-I ummmm... w-was watching a s-scary m-movie..." Dante looks at the ground, unfolding his arms and looking a bit more pale.
"Kawaii~Chan is so sorry..." Kawaii~Chan answers, "she is really scared of horror movies..." I look over at Laurence and he's no longer snarling at me for stealing the cookie basket. In fact he looks quite pleased with himself.
"That reminds me, Kawaii~Chan," Laurence smirks and looks up, "we're going to be having a movie night here tomorrow, so tell the girls that their invited! Get the invitation to Lucinda somehow as well. I'll get Aaron covered on the details."
"Unless you want Aphmau~Senpai to do that!" Kawaii~Chan squeals.
"Uhhh, no. I've got it. Just tell them it's tomorrow at six. And to wear their pjs and bring pillows," Laurence explains. "And thanks for the cookies!" Laurence closes the door softly as Kawaii~Chan says her goodbyes and runs back over to her house.
"What was all of that about?" Dante asks.
"That's what I'm wondering," I butt in.
"Oh don't worry guys," Laurence replies menacingly, picking his book up back off of the coffee table and walking back to his room, "I know the best way to kick-off the October season." He closes his door and Dante and I both swallow our spit. I can already tell this isn't good.

It's going to be HORROR-ble.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter and your patience for it to come out! I've had quite a few technical difficulties, but I'm solving most of them! A new chapter will be out soon!

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