What Hurts The Most

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Katelyn's POV

"Hey Katelyn?"
"Yeah, Aph?"
"Do you think we should host the guys over this Christmas?" She asks, and I look down at her from the ladder. We're hanging up Christmas lights while Kawaii~Chan goes and gets us all coffee and crumb cakes to eat when the hot chocolate is ready inside.
"What would give you that idea?"
"I don't know..." she answers, "They had us over for Halloween. Besides, it's fun to have Christmas together. Shouldn't we repay them?"
"Well, no," I snort, "They scared us with those horror movies.
"Yeah, and you got all close and snuggled with Travis..." Aphmau coos me.
"Oh, shut up." Aphmau laughs, a big smile on her face. "Hey Katelyn?"
"I feel like you've said that already." She laughs again,
"I'm not going to ask you that same question!"
"Okay, what is it?"
"Well... I just wanted to say that life has been so amazing for me... I don't know why, but it just feels that way..."
"I can feel that too," I answer, tying the lights onto the roof, "But life is also moving way too fast. It seems like just yesterday Travis and I were turned into meif~was and chasing our tails looking for love..."
"That's a very poetic thing to say, Katelyn," Aphmau says, a sort of calmness in her voice. I get down from the ladder and pick up the cardboard box of lights next to it, prepared to hang the lights in the backyard. But I sigh and shift my weight, setting the box right back on the ground,
"If I invite the guys over, will you hang up these lights for me?"
"Pfft, yeah! Thanks!" Aphmau runs over and picks up the box with her gloved hands before walking to the backyard, her boots leaving deep footprints in the snow. I walk across the street toward the guy's house, practically dragging my feet through the snow. I mutter angrily to myself about how cold it is before I finally arrive at their door. I knock once. Twice. Finally, Dante answers the door, but he's all suited up in snow pants, a hat, a scarf, mittens, and a heavy jacket.
"Woah... what are you, an Eskimo?" I joke and Dante laughs sarcastically.
"Ha ha. You're hilarious." He walks out onto the porch and shuts the door behind him, "I came to shovel the driveway. What do you need?"
"Well, Aphmau forced me to invite you guys to a holiday party."
"The forced part could've been left out."
"She said that we should repay you for inviting us over for Halloween," I ignore his comment. He pulls down his scarf so that I can see his mouth.
"That sounds cool!" Dante smiles, "I just hope that it's not like Christmas last year..."
"The whole mistletoe thing...?"
"Look, this is a do-over. Just forget that," I reassure him. The door opens again and Travis is standing in the doorway, wearing slippers and his pajamas.
"Oh hey, Travis!" Dante greets him.
"What are you, an Eskimo?" Travis chuckles. I fling my arms up into the air,
"See, Blueberry, we have the same mind, "Travis touches his finger to his head and I roll my eyes.
"Well now that I've asked what I need to ask already, I'm going to head back and help Aphmau with the lights for the back of the house." I turn around and walk toward the road, feeling myself get stuck in the snow again. Suddenly, I feel myself slip on ice deep in the snow and I fall in the middle of the street, my jeans tearing at the knees. I cry out in pain, but I look over to see a car rushing right toward me. The world feels like it suddenly slows down and all I see is the headlights and hear the cries of Travis. I surrender and hold up my hands to block the light from my eyes. I'm too stuck into the ground to move and too scared to breathe or blink. A pair of hands grab my shoulders and screams in my ear but I can't hear them until they shove me face first into the snow toward the driveway. I spring up and watch as my eyes cloud with tears when Travis's limp body gets hit by the car that almost took my life. So this is what hurts the most about love. I just sit there and scream, closing my eyes and letting the tears for once flow down my face.

Sorry this was a bit of a twist, but don't worry! Everything will be okay, I swear. Also a new feature I have added is that in my description is now a list of what books will be coming soon, so if your curious, check that out! A new chapter will be out soon! Thanks for reading!

Always be by You (Travlyn) [✔️]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن