chapter five

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For a moment , Tasha stilled , in all their years of working togother - they had been close but not never this close ..... so close that some tantalising trace of sandalwood and warm masculinity stole over her like an irresistible thief , her hands were trembling as she inserted her key in the lock , trying desperatly to remember what kind of state she'd left the place in morning . 

She showed him into her sitting room - trying to feel proud of her tiny li'l home , but nothing could stop her from seeing it through his eyes . " I'll go and put the kettle on ! " , she announced .

After few minutes she returned to the sitting room with a tray of coffee to fing Liam standing looking out of the window as he turned round she could do nothing to prevent the great leap of her heart . He had taken his jacket off and hung it over the edge of sofa , never had his Italian elegance been more evident against her humble setting of her home.

"Is everything alright Liam ? ", she asked him uncertainly .

He had been miles away and his eyes narrowed as his thought cleared and he found himself in her tiny little sitting room holding a mug of coffee , which he particularly want...

 "What makes you ask that ?"

"just that you seem uptight lately - more than usual ."

"Just problems at home ," he bit out

She knew no matter how long he lived anywhere in the world Italy was his home , specially Tuscany.

"Something to do with your sister's wedding ? " she guessed.

"How did you know that ," he shot her a suspicious look .

She ignored the tone , she knew how private he was about his famiy matters.

"I've heard you having discussions ,"

Angrily he slammed his hand against hid thigh , " you mean telling my sister how damn lucky she is to have landed herself an aristocrat for a fiance ?"

Tasha thought of Florina , she'd met his rebelious sister couple of times and couldn't imagine her settling into a life of the italian aristocracy . She defended Florina , " But she doed love him ..."

"Oh please lets not play the love fantasy again , especially when i thought i'd made myself clear . Besides Aldo adores florina and her will provide her stability and honour , that's what my sister needs. He will provide her money , home , good lifestyle and everything she desires and in future she will give him kids to continue the bloodline , "' he said.

''Bloodline ?'', she questioned

''You have problem with that ?''

''You have such a cold blooded way to look at marriage ''

'' It is not cold blooded , it is practical and who better than you to know about matrimonial matters ''

Tasha knew that remark was about her sisters failed marriage and he just made it clear .

'' You are dismissive of love - but what about passion ?? - do you have any ????''


that word felt strange coming from tasha but then she did say it and he felt quickening of his pulse . Temptation mocked him - and he gazed at her with passion and lust .

'' It's getting late and i must not keep you waiting - thanks for the lift and the dress Liam '' , but she knew she would never wear that dress again - it wasn't even her way of dressing.

''My pleasure ,'' he said 

'Tasha, ?''

'What ?'' she whispered as she lifted her face to look at him -  his eyes , and other features she knew and liked too

Liam was aware of her perfume and could not prevent from breathing it , her lips gleamed , her hair swayed loose on her arm - she was sending out a siren call to him which could'nt avoid and suddenly he felt lust overcome to resist and gave into the overwhelming desire to pull her into his arms - even while he knew it was wrong and musn't happen , that she would stop him .

But Tasha had taken the night off being sensible , now her eyes were fixated on him - she was biting her lip to suppress her own need and he knew she wanted him and suddenly he was lowering his head and kissing her - and she was kissing him back as if her life depended on it..............

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