Chapter 16

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My eyes remain wide open for a moment as I try to take in what the hell is going on. He's kissing me? This guy I met this same day is making a pass at me?

But his lips move skillfully over mine, and I can't help but kiss him back. Something about the way he kisses and how bold he is attracts me to him.

I don't know what to think. I just met him, but there's something that inexplicably draws me to him.

My thoughts are interrupted by the feeling of Bastian tracing his tongue over my lips. I let a gasp escape and he moans softly in response. I open my mouth with a little hesitation, and he slips his tongue in and meets mine with it.

Suddenly I am able to place my discomfort. When he kisses me, all I can think of is what Martijn would say. I almost shake my head to displace the thought. That's so stupid. I can do whatever I want!

I pull Bastian close to me and he pushes me backwards until I hit the hotel room door with a soft thump. We make eye contact as our bodies separate, and then I lean forward to reunite the kiss.

He shifts against me, and I feel him on my stomach. I blush lightly at the feeling. He's certainly not trying to be subtle, but at least he isn't forcing it on me.

Like Martijn, my subconscious whispers. I mentally swat it away.

In rebellion against the thoughts and against Martijn, I kiss Bastian back harder and press myself into him. He moans at the friction, and I smile into the kiss. I love making him feel like this.

I'm in the moment now. I kiss Bastian confidently and in the intimacy I barely register the sound of feet moving across the floor and the small vibrations they cause. I don't give a crap. We don't have to stop for them. 

Then suddenly there's a click right by my ear, and the hotel room door opens right out from behind me. I fall flat on the floor, and Bastian barely saves himself from landing hard on me by catching himself on his hands in a pushup position.

I look straight up into his eyes and he looks back with a panicked expression which I'm sure mirrors my own. Bastian speedily pushes himself off of me, stands, and offers me a hand, which I take to pull myself to my feet.

I'm blushing a deep red, too embarrassed to look up at the person whose room we had fallen into. I must have messed up the room numbers and we had made out against the wrong door, and they'd heard me hit the door and assumed it was a knock. That's so embarrassing.

Bastian says something snippy-sounding in Dutch at the person standing in the room, and a familiar voice angrily replies. My head snaps up. "Martijn? What the..."

"Madi? I expected you back soon but not with... who is this?" I blush even deeper. "Madi?" Bastian turns to me expectantly, with a cold look on his face. "Is this your boyfriend, America?"

I vigorously shake my head no. "He is not my boyfriend!" I'm almost yelling now. "Martijn, what the hell are you doing here?"

Martijn rolls his eyes and turns to Bastian, saying something in Dutch that sounds like an explanation, and gestures to me as he speaks. 

"No, no, what? What are you saying about me? Martijn!" Holding his hands out defensively, Bastian replies to him apologetically in Dutch, then turns to leave. "Bastian? Where are you going? Martijn. What have you done." Martijn slams the door behind Bastian, nearly silencing my "done." 

Martijn gives me an evil smile. "I haven't done anything except help you." His expression changes to "I'm upset," his brow furrowing, his hazel green eyes turning cloudy. "What the hell were you thinking, spending the whole day with a complete stranger and almost letting him into our hotel room?"

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