come little children - erutan

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I got up ,quickly showered then got dressed in the pants,top and heels before brushing my hair.
"We have a reunion to attend for my cousin who is has an announcement for everyone to hear. My cousin's older brother also has an announcement" Charles said as he buttoned up his red shirt.
I applied the makeup carefully.
" Very well, anything else?" I asked him. Charles looked at me for a second then nodded as he walked to me with a red headband that he put on me holding my hair back.
" There now you look perfect" he said. I grabbed my purse quickly putting my phone inside as Charles got his wallet and car keys.
An hour later I laid on top of the tombstone as my husband narrowed his eyes messing with the sharp pocketknife he had on him while we listened to his relatives say their wedding dates and other information.
I looked at the sky once they finished talking about all of the details.
"Ok then now......we can either stick around here angel or head out to who knows where....." Charles said shrugging glancing at me.
"Hm......let's go home in half an hour so we can sit here." I said watching his nephews and nieces run around playing hide and seek.
"Auntie Violet? Uncle Chucky? Can you fix our dollies?or toys?... they're sick " Melanie and Jenny said as their other cousins arrived with a few Ragdolls, and cars.
I smiled and picked up the toy gently sewing it as i sang a song.
"Come little children I'll take you away into a land of enchantment come little children the time's come to play here in my garden of magic"
Several minutes later I began working on the rest as Charles fixed the cars.
About nearly half an hour passed as we finished our tasks given to us by our little relatives. My husband helped me down to get to the car, I got inside the silver vehicle as he got inside then he drove us home.

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