7 years

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A/N: I will be doing chapter with Emily's age until she turns 12, then I will be doing her life story.

"Thank you!" I yell before running up the stairs to my room. Mommy and daddy just bought me a sketch book of my very own. Now I don't have to look around our house to find blank paper to draw on. I go into the drawers I have in my desk and grab my pencil. I start to draw a bunch of different designs and then write my name in the middle of the page. Now everyone knows who's book it is.

"Mommy!" I yell running down the stairs.

"Yes!" She shouts back from our kitchen. I run in the kitchen and see mommy making pancakes.

"Eww!" I say. I don't like pancakes. There are really icky.

"Don't worry. There for your daddy" she says. I smile.

"Can I go to Nicole's please?" I ask. Nicole is my bestest friend, ever since we were little babies. Our mommies are bestest friends too, besides her other bestest friend Loren. Her and mommy are so close that I call her aunty.

"Yes, you definetly can. Just back home for lunch at 12" she says.

"Okay, thank you" I say before running out the door with our puppy Bradigan. He has been here since I was a baby. We almost have the same birthday, but I'm older.

I run across the street, making sure that there are no cars and that Bradigan doesn't follow me. When I get to Nicole's door, her mommy answers.

"Hi Mrs.Gray. Can Nicole play?" I ask.

"Hello Emily, and of course she can. Come inside" Mrs. Gray says. I thank her and run up to Nicole's room. When I go in, Nicole is sitting on her bed watching our favoutite show called "Icy and me." It was made 3 years ago, and its about a ice queen named Icy and everyday, she takes different kids with different disabilities, as my mommy likes me to put it, and takes them to her kingdom. I love it, and our mommies and aunty Loren like it too!

"Nicole! Guess what?" I say. She gets off her bed and comes towards me.

"What? Did you find out if Mia and Tristan are boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asks.

"I wish. I am pretty sure they are, because Tristan never shares his special cookies, but he does with Mia" I tell Nicole.

"Ya. Anyways, what do you want to tell me?" She asks.

"My mommy and daddy finally got me my own sketch book! I can draw pictures whenever I want now!" I say.

"Thats really cool. You are really good at drawing things" she says.

First chapter! So some of what her personality will be like in this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! Next chapter will be an event that will give you some important details about how she becomes, so eight year old Emily, here we come!

Emily's Life: Spinoff to "Jacob Sartorius, You are, and My Life" [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now