Emily's life: 6

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"Thanks for walking me home" I say to Toby. He smiles.

"No problem. I'll see you later tonight at the café" he says. I smile. I walk into my house and then he starts walking after he sees that I got into the house.

"Hey mom, hey dad" I say when I see them on the couch watching Icy and Me. My parents still love that show even though I watched it when I was 7. They love the meaning of it.

"Hey honey. Which friend did you hang out with?" My mom asks.

"His name is Toby" I say. Her and my dad look at me.

"He?" My dad says. I nod my head.

"Why did you tell me about this boy sooner?" He asks.

"Because I thought you guys wouldn't approve of me liking someone I just met and-" I cut myself off. FRICK. I just admitted that to my freakin parents.

"You like him?" My mom says.

"God, I'm sorry. I won't see him anymore if you guys don't really want me to. I know that you guys won't approve of me liking someone at this age" I say. My parents laugh.

"Emily, we started going out a week after we met when we both just turned 13" my mom says.

"What? Really?" I ask.

"Yes, and our relationship was actually pretty serious for 13 year olds. We should actually tell you some stories" dad says.

"Can you right now?" I ask.

"Sure, if you want. What kind of stories?" He asks.

"Um, did you guys ever fight?" I ask. They laugh.

"Oh gosh yes. We were really happy but we would have the huge major fight where I would leave half the time. We would always get back together, and your dad would always help me when I was in trouble at last minute" my mom says.

"Really? I didn't expect you guys to fight that often" I say honestly. They laugh again.

"Honey, I just want you to know something when it comes to love and relationships. Never hurt yourself over someone. If you are meant for each other, then you'll find your way back. Never think your less then someone when someone hurts you. You see these?" She says holding out her wrists. There's so many scars on them. I run my fingers over them.

"That's from me cutting when I thought I wasn't good enough. Everyone has the moments when they think they aren't good enough or they don't want to continue life, but from what I had, I should have been in therapy. People that try to commit suicide or cut themselves is hurting themselves, and they often find it reliving, the pain reliving. That's not a good way to let out your pain. I honestly should have gone to therapy" she says.

"If you ever feel like your going to cut, or you get up to the point when your ready to, tell me. There's people out there to help, and I'll make sure that you are okay" she says. I give her a hug.

"I promise I will. Did cutting hurt?" I ask. She chuckles.

"It hurt like hell. It was a bad feeling" she says.

We talk until supper is ready about my parents love past and honesty all of its sweet. I hope I have a love life like they had.

"Emily, it's time to go to the café" she says. I started to preform every night instead of every second night.

We get into the car and start driving there. I'm really nervous. All of Toby's friends are going to be there. Toby said some of them even had some self esteem issues and stuff, so this performance will mean a lot to them. I don't want to disappoint anyone. It's not like my voice is so horrible it's like a screeching owl, but it's not like it can be compared to Ariana Grande's voice.

We suddenly pull up to a stop and I get out of the car. Here we go.

Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry for not updating for a while. I had a friend over and I was insanely tired all weekend.

Love you all!

Emily's Life: Spinoff to "Jacob Sartorius, You are, and My Life" [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now