Emily's life: 4

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"No" Nicole says.

"No, Emily Dimmer Sartorius like somebody!" She shouts.

"Shh! Keep you voice down!" I shush her.

"Who is he? What's he like? Is he cute? What does he do? Does he like you?" She questions very fastly.

"Well his name is-" I see him walking down the hallway, looking at me.

"Toby!" I say, finishing my sentence. Nicole looks back at him and smirks.

"Hey Emily! Is this your friend?" He asks.

"Ya, Nicole" she answers the question for me, and shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you" he says. The bell rings for third period.

"Okay, well I might see you at lunch. Bye Emily, bye Nicole" he says as he walks away, waving. I open my locker, grab out my books and slam it.

"That's him?" She asks. I nod.

"Tell me all about him" she says.

"Sorry, we have to get to class" I say. She groans.

"Fine, but you will tell me all about him in our free period!" She says before walking away. I roll my eyes. I walk to English and sit in the second row, next to someone named Sam and Jane.


"Go sit with him! He's right there!" Nicole says.

"No Nicole! He hadn't invited me over" I say.

"Well fine then" she says, grabbing my arm. We walk past his table, casually talking about when choir will start.

"Hey, guys! Why don't you sit with us?" Toby says. I look at Nicole, about to give her the look when she says "sure! We would love to."

We sit down next to each other so I have Nicole on my right and Toby on my left.

"Emily, can you move over a bit? I'm almost off the edge" Nicole says. I death glare her then move to the side, Toby and I's thighs almost touching.

"Guys, this is Emily and Nicole. I met Emily a couple days ago and Nicole just third period. Emily, Nicole, this is Jordan, Justin, Peyton, and Annie" he says, pointing to each person.

"Hi" they all said, though Peyton's was the strongest and loudest said. He sounds very confident.

"Hey" Nicole and I say in sync back. It takes me all the courage not to say jinx you owe me a soda.

"Aren't you that girl that sings every second night at the café?" Annie says.

"Ya" I reply.

"You have a really good voice. Are you performing tonight?" She asks.

"Thanks, ya I am" I say.

"We should all go, so you guys can hear her voice" she suggests. My face heats up. All of Toby's friends sitting there, listening to me sing all night? That just sounds uncomfortable. Toby and Nicole seem to think that this is a great idea though, and Toby even suggested we do a duet together, and as always, Nicole replied yes for me.

"How about you come to my place after school and we work on a duet together? My parents would love to meet you" Toby says.

"S-sure" I stutter. I'm not the type of person to get nervous in front of a guy, but I mean, he invited me over and stuff. That's nerve racking. The bell rings.

"Okay, well I'll see you after school. Let's meet at the football field" he says. I nod.

"See you then" I say before walking off with Nicole, who is giggling with excitement.


"Tell me everything about him. Is he nice when your alone? Is he a good singer? Does he do any sports? Do you think he likes you? Do your parents know about him?" She asks in our free period.

"Yes, he's insanely nice, too nice to be true cause most guys are buttholes. He's an amazing singer, one of the best I've ever heard.
He does gymnastics from what I know, and he's pretty advanced in it too. Like he just got his double layout. I saw him when I went because his group was out on the floor at the same time as me.
I honestly have no idea if he likes me. I think he may like me as a friend, but I think I'm stuck in the friend zone.
And god no, my parents know nothing about love, and they won't approve of me liking someone when I'm only 12. Plus I just met him a couple days ago. They will just think that I'm getting ahead of myself.

(ahaha get it? Cause Jenna and Jacob liked each other on the first day of meeting each other and she came over to his house and they got really close and she thinks that they know nothing about it and won't approve of it. Haha. No, okay)

"I still think you should tell them. They may surprise you. They may even tell you their love story from when they were your age" she says. I laugh.

"Ya, like my parents were incredibly in love" I joke. (Ahahhahaha)

Update!!!!!!!!!! Yay.

Next chapter, should she'll be going to Toby's house, then she will talk to her parents and share their love story to Emily, which most of you already know it.

Love y'all!

Emily's Life: Spinoff to "Jacob Sartorius, You are, and My Life" [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now