Emilys life: 9

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After first and second hour pass by slowly, finally lunch comes. I wait in the music room with Nicole's phone that she lent me.

After about 5 minutes, the door opens and in comes Toby. He closes it and looks behind him again. He looks at me and pauses.

"So would you like to tell me what's going on?" He asks, shrugging his shoulders in the ways the characters in a movie would when they close the door after themselves when their doing something secretive.

"I would like to ask you if you've, I don't know, posted anyone besides yourself in the Internet" I say. I'll give him a chance to be honest, and if he isn't honest, then I might have a bit more problems.

It's not that I'm super mad at him. I know Toby, and he thinks that I have a really nice voice and he just wants to broadcast it because he's like that. I understand. But the only problem I have is that he posted me on the Internet without any permission. Like if he could have just said, can I post videos of your singing on YouTube, I would have been fine. Like he really should have asked. What if my parents didn't like me being in the Internet? What if I had some kind of creepy stalker dude?

"Um... well... uh..." he trails off.

"I may have posted a couple videos of you singing on YouTube" he admits. I let out a breath and put my hand on my chest. Thank god he just said it instead of trying to hide it.

"Thank you for not lying" I say.

"I know you're probably mad, but you seriously have a good voice. Like you should go on a tour. I wanted to broadcast your talent more, and I don't know why I didn't ask you first. I'm just kind of dumb I guess" he says. I smile.

"I'm not mad. I was a little surprised at first when I saw the videos, especially that one with me in the piano at school singing when I was in like sixth grade. How did you get that by the way?" I say.

"Well, when you came into this middle school, you were the shy girl. The shy girls always have amazing talents that they hide. One day you were going to the music room. I ran there before you and set up my camera and posted it a couple weeks after, and it got so many likes, you have no idea. You've always been a mystery. Until now, of course" he tells me. We stare at each other for a while.

"Can I confess something?" He says. I nod.

"I honestly like you a lot" he says.

"I like you too" I say. He walks up to me closer. He puts his hand on my cheek and we slowly lean in. Until the door opens.

"Hey" I hear Nicole say. We quickly back away.

"I gotta go" he says awkwardly. I nod and he walks out of the room with a red face. Nicole looks back and then back to me as she walks.

"Did I interrupt something?" She asks, pointing back.

"No, it's fine" I say. She nods her head unsure.

"Call your parents and ask about the sleepover on Friday" Nicole says, changing the subject (which I'm grateful for). I say okay and go into the contact Mother 2. After a couple rings, she answers.

"Hello?" She says as she picks up.

"Hey mom" I say.

"Hey Em. What's up? Shouldn't you be in school?" She says.

"I am, I'm on my lunch break. I was wondering if I go over to my friends on Friday" I say.

"Um, Friday. That's tomorrow, right?" She asks. "Yup" I respond.

"Um, yup. You can go, I don't think we have any plans" she says.

"Yes! Thank you mom!" I say. She laughs. "No problem. Goodbye, love you" she says.

"Love you too" I say before hanging up.

"Okay, I'll come over to your place tonight and help you pick out some stuff because I know you suck at picking out things" Nicole says as I give her back her phone. It's true, I'm horrible when it comes to decisions. My mom helps me pick out my clothes everyday.

"You're right. Wanna stay for supper? My parents love you, they'd love you to stay over. Plus my aunty Loren is coming over, and so is Geo" I say. She jumps up and down. She loves them. Even though their technically not related to me, her and I still feel like they are. Nicole and I feel like we're related to each other, like we're siblings.

The bell rings and we go into the hallway.

"See you free period?" Nicole says as a question before we split to go to our lockers.

"Yup, bye" I say before walking away.

Emily's Life: Spinoff to "Jacob Sartorius, You are, and My Life" [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now