10 years

988 36 25

"Pleeeeeeeaaassseee?" I beg mom and dad again. I'm trying to convince them to let me post covers on YouTube. They look at each other.

"I suppose it would be fine" mom sighs. I jump up in down in excitement.

"Dad, can you help me film?" I ask him.

"Sure, why not" he says. I give him and mom a hug. We go into the room that is just for whenever someone needs quiet time, but this time I'm using it for filming.

"What song should I do?" I ask him.

"Do whatever you like. You said you like the singer Shawn Mendes, why don't you do one of his older songs?" Dad suggests.

"Ooh! I like the song Strings!" I say.

"Then I guess you'll do that song" he says. I laugh.

"Okay, so do you know what to do?" He asks. I nod. I've watched lots of YouTube videos. I know how they start and end the videos.

Dad turns on the camera and gives me a thumbs up.

"Hi everyone! So this is my first YouTube video that I'm posting. My name is Emily Dimmer Sartorius, and I'm currently 10 years old. My dad is helping me film, say hi father" I say.

"Hey" he says. I smile.

"So today I will be doing a cover to a song called Strings by Shawn Mendes, one of his older songs from about 2015. I hope you all enjoy!" I say. I grab my guitar from beside me and start to play the song.

After I finish, I set my guitar back down.

"I hope you all enjoyed this video! Please like, subscribe, and comment some songs I should do! Bye everyone!" I say before dad turns off the camera.

"That was really good Emily!" Dad compliments me.

"Thanks" I say. Before he leaves me room, I ask "dad, when do you think I can get a phone?"

"When we think you're old enough that you need one. When I was your age, people that were 6 years old had the newest iPhone 6s and they still thought it was crap. They had no life off of their phones. You don't need one, you have a perfectly active one right now" dad says. I groan and nod.

"Okay, I'll wait till I actually need one" I say.

"That's my girl. How about you jump in the trampoline for a bit? Mom and I need to talk" he says. I nod and run out the deck door and go onto the trampoline.

I recently got my full back, which I'm really proud of myself for. I have it on the trampoline, on the ground I only have my back tuck. People think I can't do gymnastics since I'm tall, and most people that do gymnastics are short. I'm 10 and I'm 5'1, but look at me.

The lucky thing about being tall is that I'm taller then almost all the boys in my class and I'm stronger then all of them. My dad said that's a good trait.

I get tired of jumping on the trampoline after about 15 minutes, so I go around the house and climb through the window in my room, so I don't interrupt mom and dads talk. I grab my sketch book, pencil, and sharpener and climb back out. I go to the deck and sit on one of the chairs. I push it in a set everything on the table and start to draw, while singing quietly to myself.

My drawings are getting better and better, at least I think. Right now, I'm drawing the girls from a show that was popular when mom and dad were my age called Pretty Little Liars. They want me to watch the episodes when I'm a bit older and I actually understand what's going on. I've seen all the characters though, and I think that Aria is the prettiest.

"Hey hon, whatcha drawing?" Mom asks as she comes through the door. She sits in the chair beside me.

"The girls from Pretty Little Liars. I'm drawing Hanna right now" I say.

"You have a real talent, Emily. You can draw, you can sing, and you can do gymnastics" she says. "I'm jealous."

"Oh ya, I got my standing back tuck!" I exclaim.

"Really? Show me" she says. I go onto the grass and do my back tuck.

"That's really good! I don't know if I can do that in the ground anymore. I can still probably do it if I start off with a round off backhandspring" mom says.

"Can you do it right now?" I ask. She quickly does a straddle and reaches down, does her back-walkover and her back handspring.

"Now I can" she says. I laugh. She gets a small running start before doing a really powerful round off back handspring back tuck. I clap.

"I can do that to" dad says. He does one of those cartwheels with really bendy legs and goes really fast, then does a backwards summer salt. Mom and I clap. He does a bow.

"I hope that was good cause I think I broke my back" dad says through a smile. Mom and I both laugh.

One more year and then her life story begins! I might have that up tonight! Any extra ideas I could put in it?

Love you all!

Emily's Life: Spinoff to "Jacob Sartorius, You are, and My Life" [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant