Chapter Seven

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That night when the Slytherins were heading back to their Common Room, Albus was thinking about Scorpius. Even though Scorpius was standing next to him, babbling about studies and Rose. He could just look over if he wanted.

He didn't look over. Instead, he kept to his thoughts, thinking about the Sleeping Drought potion he was going to take tonight. Hopefully, it would work and without side-effects. 


Albus waited until he was sure Scorpius was fast asleep. He pulled his trunk out from under his bed -where he stored it- instead of in front of his bed. Slowly and without making any sort of noise, he opened the trunk and reached in, pulling out the vial.

Quickly he took just a wee bit of the potion, as instructed. And he quickly tucked in away and dove under the covers, knowing sleep was about to succumb him. 

So he drifted off soundlessly, the waves of the Black Lake hitting the glass window in the background. All was peaceful in the Slytherin Common Room, the lime green fire sizzling down into embers. 

Snores could be heard from all of the five beds, and Albus finally slept through the whole night since that fateful day.

A/N: This is only 200 words but I promise to get you the next chapter soon. Hopefully, the next chapter will include 900 to 1000 words. Sorry for the slow updates you might be receiving, it's from the stress of school.

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