Chapter Nine

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 The next few days went by blissfully, Albus and Scorpius scored high marks in all their classes. Altogether, life was getting on great.

Albus had been using the Sleeping Drought each night. No dreams. No nightmares. But soon Scorpius had to shake him awake each day. On Saturdays he would wake up in the afternoon. A cold breakfast would be on his nightstand curtesy of Scorpius.

But today Albus had awoken earlier, sliding off his comfy bed and into casual clothes seeing as it was a Saturday.

The boys hazel eyes scanned over to Scorpius' bed. All you could see was a mess of blond hair and a form covered by silky dark green sheets.

As Albus turned around to exit, a thin smile crossed his pale lips. At least his friend could sleep peaceful, even whilst he had to take his Sleeping Drought to achieve it.

His shoes hit the stone floor of the corridors with a thud, followed by an inevitable echo. It was that early, that no one was quite awake yet. Maybe he would finally be the first to enter the Great Hall for breakfast.

Albus trekked through the giant oak doors, his eyes meet empty tables all except for one. Near the front, a long walk away from the entrance, sat Rose.

Her dark, curly hair shone brightly from the open windows and in wafted an airy chill. Her brown eyes were trained on a worn and frayed book placed delicately in front of her.

Albus was hesitant, approaching his cousin. For they had not talked since the first day of their fifth year. They hadn't talked. For two months.

"Rose," Albus announced taking the seat across from her. The light filtered in from the window, her face shinning and you could finally spot the freckles hidden in her dark skin. She looked like a goddess. No wonder Scorpius was head over heels in love with her.

"You're up early," she chirped, closing the book with utmost care.

"Surprisingly," Albus chuckled. "It is quite an achievement to be the second person in the Great Hall during the early hours of the day."

"Wait till you're the first," Rose replied. "You get a medal made of gold." Albus rolled his eyes and his cousin smiled widely, her teeth perfectly white and perfectly straight.

The food had yet to be placed in front of them, so the cousin chatted. Almost as if their dispute had never occurred in the first place.

Soon, when more students began filing into the Great Hall, breakfast food piled onto the table. Albus helped himself to some toast, baked beans, bacon, sausages, and fried eggs. Rose poured some orange juice into both of their goblets and then they tucked into their meal.

Scorpius joined them a few minutes into their breakfast. You could barely tell, but his eyes had red rings around them and his eye color was more prominent.

"Hey," he sighed as cheerfully as he could. Albus, through a mouthful of toast and fried egg, grinned.

"So, what were you guys talking about before I interrupted?" Scorpius asked as he filled a golden plate with all sorts of breakfast foods.

"Nothing much," Rose replied. "Albus was just complaining." A rosy tinge spread across Scorpius' cheeks when Rose replied to him. He cleared his throat, ruffled his hair and tried to look more alive.

"What was Albus complaining about?" Scorpius asked as he shoveled steaming baked beans into his mouth, trying his damnedest to be inconspicuous.

"I'm right here," Albus breathed out in disbelief. His only true friend. Ignoring him. For his cousin.

"He made me promise not to say," Rose answered. Albus' eyes were wide with anger now, invisible steam rolling out of his ears.

But still, the two continued to talk like Albus was not there at all. Soon, the dark haired boy had had enough so he grabbed his books and headed out the Great Hall towards his first class of the day.


If Albus could see Scorpius right now, he believed he would see him and Rose snogging. Their lips glued to each others and you'd have to pry them apart.

But Albus closed his eyes and rubbed his hands down his face. Maybe if Scorpius woke him up first and they headed down to breakfast together it would be way different than it was now.

His mind drifted elsewhere, thinking about Halloween, which would be coming up in a few weeks. The smell of pumpkin and cinnamon rising up from the kitchen. The joy on students faces when candy and sweets were being passed about.

Another month closer to the March Ball. Albus didn't quite understand why. Headmistress McGonagall said it was to cheer students up again after the events of last year.

That it would bring light to the situation.

It was perfect for Scorpius, but not for Albus. Who would he take? No one would go with him. The only Potter in Slytherin. The Potter who betrayed his family. It was almost laughable.

A/N: Trying my hardest to update and work on the story when I can. And please leave comments, I love to read them.

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