Chapter Thirteen

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"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, why would you ever assume that," Professor Bloodstone gasped dramatically. "You are one of the most valued students at this school and you are also incredibly brilliant."

"Incredibly brilliant to figure you out," Scorpius hissed at her. Everything was going down like an episode of Glee. Albus had taken a step back and Professor Bloodstone and Scorpius were circling a table glaring at each other.

"I guess you're right," Professor Bloodstone mused. "My mother always said that I was never a convincing lair. Never good at planning anything. Never good at hiding who I was and how terrible I actually am. That I was just as heartless and awful as my father."

Scorpius had stopped moving, he was inches away from Albus again. It might've been protective and he might've been overdoing it, but he felt it necessary.

"You're father?" Albus questioned.

"Well, no one likes to be related to the Black's. Unless you're a cold-hearted bastard or bitch. Unless you're interested in marrying, kissing and having sex with you cousin or sibling. Rudolph? You've heard of him, right? Before he got locked up he went out and knocked up plenty of other witches. That was after he found out Bella fucked the Dark Lord. They were still married you know," Professor Bloodstone said with her face scrunched up in a disgusted way.

"But... I thought Rudolph was in Azkaban during that time?" Scorpius asked confused, he had his hand around Albus' wrist at the moment.

"Well, that's the first thing you've ever gotten incorrect in your perfect little life," Professor Bloodstone replied. She'd walked up to her desk and plopped down into her chair. "Go now, tell your old hag of a Headmistress about me, what I did. I may've hated my bloodline and everything about it, but I wanted revenge for Delphi. Now I can go get locked up with her. Or her bones, at least."


Officials escorted the no longer Professor Bloodstone out of Hogwarts effortlessly. Albus and Scorpius watched from behind curious students as she looked back at the confused faces of the children who thought she was the perfect person.

Albus and Scorpius were quite lucky when they went to Headmistress McGonagall. The old woman had a secret stash of Veritaserum that she snatched from Professor Bloodstone's room before the collection had been shipped off.

"Is this going to make everything normal?" Albus whispered in Scorpius' ear. The blond haired boy looked sideways to his best friend and boyfriend, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"I don't know, we'll just have to hope that it does," Scorpius replied. "All I know is that 'normal' is not something associated with us."

"Why?" Albus asked. "Because we're gay, dating and everyone still thinks that you're Voldemorts child." Scorpius almost snorted.

"Exactly," Scorpius answered. "But everyone will just have to except that and if they don't we will hex them into oblivion because apparently Slytherin's are terrible people." Albus smirked and squeezed his boyfriends hand back. 

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