The Start of A New Goal

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Day After Jungkook Arrived
"Jungkook-ah, can you do me a favor?" Yoongi asks, as he holds a phone in his hand, indicating that he was talking with someone.
"Sure Hyung. What's up?" Jungkook replies, wondering who Yoongi was talking to.
"Can you go outside and draw in some costumers for me? Jimin wouldn't be very happy if sales dropped when he was away. He might seem fluffy and cute but, man, when he's angry..." Yoongi states.
"Yeah sure." Was all Jungkook said before he turned and headed outside, somehow feeling annoyed that Yoongi was talking so "passionately" about Jimin, but he wasn't exactly sure why.
Yoongi gave a small smile before turning back to his phone call. "Yes Mrs. Kim, of course. I will get the bouquet to you around five this afternoon is that alright?"
How should I bring in costumers? Jungkook thinks. Did Hyung tell me how to do this?
"Jungkook, what are you doing?" A voice interrupted his thoughts.
Jungkook hears this and turns his head. "Oh, hi Hyung. trying to bring in guests."
Yoongi pauses for a moment, looks Jungkook up and down, and a smirk spread across his lips. Seeing this, Jungkook got both worried and confused.
"You're doing fine. Keep up the good work." Yoongi says and goes back inside.
Now, there's no question about it. Jungkook, was left utterly speechless and baffled.
I'm not even doing anything. Jungkook thinks.
A few minutes later, Jungkook still didn't know what to do so, he found a seat in front of the shop and sat. Just sat. Then, a few more minutes passed and Jungkook by now was getting bored and was curious of what Yoongi inside was doing. Of course, he didn't know why he felt that way, but he just did. He didn't understand it, but he had another feeling that he would find out soon enough.
"Hey, don't you think he's cute?" Some girl passing by whispers to her friend.
The other giggles like she's in 'love-love' and says, "Yeah. He is. Hey...I just remembered. I have to buy flowers for my dad."
"You have to buy flowers for your dad?" The other asks with suspicion.
The two look at each other and giggle like hyenas before nodding and heading towards Jungkook, Who was trying really hard not to listen in on their conversation.
He really tried.
He tried really hard but couldn't help but think how lucky he was to be a guy and doesn't have to have such...abnormal conversations with his friends.
One of the girls spoke up when the two finally reached where Jungkook was. "Hey. Are you open? We'd like to buy some flowers."
Jungkook tried very hard not to be sarcastic. Don't they see the sign on the door that says "OPEN?"
He really tried.
He gave a smile and said, "Yes ladies, we are open. Come in."
The girls smiled like they just won the lottery, bowed to Jungkook and opened the doors inside.
Jungkook completely forgot that working at a flower shop, you gotta deal with annoying girls. He only started working at Sugar Petals because the one running the place was a close friend of his father's. Well, close friend's son. Jungkook was curious of what someone like Yoongi was working at such a, most would call it, girly, shop. Jungkook thought wrong when he entered the doors of the shop, he liked how the flowers smelled and he liked who ran the place. He was seemingly nice and patient. Yes, Jungkook is thinking about Min Yoongi but he wasn't very sure why he had such a curiosity towards a person-a guy.
As Jungkook was finishing his thought the door opens and the girls come out. Blushing.
"Thank you for shopping at Sugar Petals." Jungkook tells them, he was told by Yoongi to always treat the costumers with care, and of course, to be nice. "I hope your father likes the flowers you bought him."
The girls blush even harder, gives a smile, bow and runs off to wherever they needed to go.
Jungkook gets a feeling of accomplishment within him.
"You know you shouldn't tease them like that." A familiar voice speaks.
Jungkook turns and sees Yoongi leaning against the door.
How could I have not heard the door open? The door has a bell. Jungkook thinks.
"What was that?" Jungkook questions like he didn't hear what Yoongi said.
"I said, you shouldn't tease women like that, they don't like it. I'm not sure what you teased them about but they didn't look all thrilled when you said it." Yoongi said matter-of-factly.
Jungkook smirks. "Hyung, I don't think you know, but secretly, women all loved to be teased. Some show it more than others, and plus, you said to bring in costumers, so I did."
Yoongi pauses and processes what Jungkook said. "Really? I never knew that." He finally speaks.
Jungkook thought how cute it was that Yoongi was just completely new to this stuff and Jungkook swore he saw a light hint of pink on Yoongi's cheeks.
"Hyung, I'm sure you've dated before right?" Jungkook decided to tease.
Yoongi is then reminded of cold times and memories start rushing back. He doesn't like this feeling, so, on instinct, he glares at Jungkook and walks back in.
Jungkook is left speechless, but that doesn't stop him from going ask Yoongi, "Did I say something wrong Hyung?"
Yoongi slightly shakes his head, embarrassed that he acted like a child, it wasn't Jungkook's fault but Yoongi has a habit of glaring and just being plain grumpy when something bothers him. Jungkook didn't know that and Yoongi felt bad for glaring.
Jungkook then just thought of something. "Hyung, could it mean you've never dated before?"
Yoongi's guiltiness all went away a once. "Of course I've dated before! What type of weirdo do you think I am!?"
Jungkook's eyes widen and he blinks, "Sorry Hyung, I kinda crossed the line."
Yoongi sees Jungkook's eyes sadden and once again, his shame and guiltiness come back and hits him right in the face.
"Well, then...I guess I'm sorry too. I kinda got too riled up. S-sorry." Yoongi quietly mumbles.
Jungkook hears this and perks up. He gives Yoongi a smile and goes back outside to bring in more costumers, but before he did, "Hyung."
"Hmm?" Yoongi was about to go back to whatever he was doing before but looks back to see what Jungkook wanted.
"You said to keep up the good work. What did you mean? I wasn't doing anything." Jungkook states.
"I don't know if you noticed this bunny boy, but you, are good looking. Girls would come in just to look at you probably so, you're my secret weapon to raise the sales!" Yoongi says smiling showing his gums. Jimin and the regular guests like to call it the 'gummy smile.'
Jungkook swore he has never seen such a cute and beautiful smile. He soon then realized, that he was in love. He thought it was pretty corny to fall in love so fast but he didn't care at the moment. So, he pledged before going back outside that before this month ends, Yoongi was going to fall in love with him. Jungkook was confident.
"Well, thanks Hyung. I think you're very pretty yourself."

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