The Convo

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"Wait. Your guys' reason all these years was because you were scared I was gonna be gay?" Jungkook asks in disbelief. To him, and probably most of society, it was stupid and almost comical.

The parents look at each other and sigh. "What else would our reason be?"

Jungkook has never felt angrier in his life. He loved his parents and knew they were conservative people, but never thought to the point of ridiculousness.

"Wait, so, y'all are saying that Jungkook's supposed to be straight?" Taehyung cautiously asks.

"Yes. He's the heir to the company. Think of the company's reputation." Mrs. Jeon says.

Jungkook feels the anger boil and for the first time ever, wanted to scream at his parents. Yoongi was quiet. He was frustrated. He always knew there was something wrong with adults but he didn't think he'd encounter the worst of the worst in his own life. Even his parents wouldn't be this unreasonable.

"What if I said he and I are dating?" Yoongi says.

Mr. Jeon chokes and Mrs. Jeon's jaw drops.

Mr. Jeon collects his composure and clears his throat, "you better not be. It's gross."

"It's not gross when it's sincere." Yoongi continues.

"It's fake. It'll never give you happiness." Mrs. Jeon jumps in.

"Right, and you guys are happy."

The room falls silent.

"We were accepted." Mr. Jeon says as he glances at Mrs. Jeon.

"Yeah, but weren't happy. Let me guess, y'all just, 'fell out of love'? Or is it because you never loved each other?"

Jungkook was starting to feel really uncomfortable and Taehyung took notice. He nudges Yoongi, "Hyung..."

Yoongi ignores Taehyung and continues. "If you guys never loved each other, then you're some messed up people for making your son think you were."

"It was for his happiness-"

"And taking complete control of his life is gonna 'make him happy'? Don't lie to yourselves. You know you made your son's life miserable."

"His life was luxurious." Mrs. Jeon stands to slightly raise her voice.

"His life was miserable. If your definition of "luxurious" is 'lonely, eager and empty,' then you're right on." Yoongi stands his ground.

Taehyung can feel the tension rise exponentially.

"He got everything he wanted." Mr. Jeon too stands up.

"No, he got everything y'all wanted for him. He has to call you two 'sir' and 'ma'am', who the heck calls their own parents that?"

"He is the heir."

"And because of that, he's dilapidated; he's living a forlorn life."

"Hyung! Please stop..that's not true!" Jungkook interrupts.

Yoongi takes a breath and Taehyung notices that Yoongi almost smiles.

"My parents are the most important people to me. Their happiness is very important to me." Jungkook starts.

Yoongi rolls his eyes because he feels a speech coming and he knows this was going to take a while, so he takes a seat. What is this? An anime?

"Yeah, there were a lot of things I was unhappy with but as long as mom and dad are happy, I didn't really care what happens to me." Jungkook continues. "Yeah, not seeing Tae before he left was frustrating, not seeing mom for over five years was frustrating, not being able to be truthful to Hyung was frustrating, but I was fine with it because I know it gets better."

Yoongi slightly yawns because he called this and Taehyung swears Yoongi was merely acting angry a moment ago.

Jungkook faces his parents. "I'm unhappy with your divorce."

The Jeons sigh and look at each other.

"Honey...we know you are but it's just not working anymore." Mrs. Jeon says softly.

"Yeah, if it did work, trust me, son, it wouldn't be like this." Mr. Jeon adds.

"I've accepted everything you've decided for me, but that was on the exception you two stay together." Jungkook refutes.

"But darling, it's just not working. I don't want you to hear about how I can't stand your father when we return from the business trip." Mrs. Jeon almost pleads.

"Why're you always so selfish?" Jungkook mumbles and Yoongi pipes up again.

"Sorry for interrupting this family conversation but I'd like to just throw out there that I'm dating him."

Jungkook sighs deeper and Taehyung flinches at the continuous shifts in Yoongi's personality.

"What? Are you insane?!" Mr. Jeon hollers.  

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