Sick Yoongi and Empathizing Jungkook

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Hoseok watches the car gets towed away and once the car was gone, he walks up to Seokjin's car. "Hi Hyung."

"There you are. Are we all ready?" Seokjin asks smiling.

"Yup. I'll go to Yoongi-hyung's apartment to get the things and you and Jungkook can go back to that one heck of a mansion." Hoseok explains the plan.

"Okay. Jimin said the same thing, but he seemed so confused."

"I feel that Jungkook is going to be even more confused." Hoseok eyes Jungkook who is currently staring at Yoongi's face and not hearing a thing his hyungs are saying.

"Hey I have a question." Jungkook all of a sudden asks.

"What's that?" Seokjin says.

"Why're we going to my house?"

"Because you're rich and we want to make the most of it." Hoseok states.

"Oh, so I'm basically a product for you people?" Jungkook felt somewhat offended.

"No. You're a friend. Yoongi won't admit it but I'm sure he likes staying with you. Unless you don't want to take care of Yoongi." Seokjin provokes.

"No! You're all welcome anytime at my place. Knock yourselves out. Break in if you want!" Jungkook smiles widely.

"Speaking of which, did you confess?" Hoseok asks.

"Yes. Yes I did. But before you say anything else--" Jungkook wants to avoid anymore pity looks and shocked faces.

"His hormones took over and Yoongi's virginity was violated once more." Seokjin jumps in.

"Hyung!" Jungkook felt so mistreated. "Don't put it like that! Hoseok-hyung will get the--"

"You're a monster. He couldn't walk. How inconsiderate can you be?" Hoseok scowls.

Jungkook grunts in frustration. Seokjin and Hoseok laugh. "We're kidding. I'm glad it worked out." Seokjin said.

"Yeah, now let's hurry and get Yoongi-hyung into bed, he's sweating." Hoseok says pointing to Yoongi and everyone agrees to stop the gossip and get going.

"Okay, let's go Jungkook." Seokjin says as he rolls up his window and starts driving.


Once Seokjin and Jungkook got Yoongi into the house and on his bed and changed into some pajamas, Seokjin hurriedly went to work on making soup. Jungkook merely sits and stares at Yoongi since Seokjin had nothing for him to do, and he was told specifically to stay out of trouble.

Eh, doesn't matter. I can just watch Hyung sleep. Jungkook thinks as he happily plops down in the chair next to Yoongi's bed and sets up his phone camera. Once in a lifetime chance to see this. Plus, the rumored 'whole nother level' Min Yoongi in sick state is something to be recorded for my entertainment purposes only. Ha. I'm so glad my life is like this.

As Jungkook watches Yoongi, his phone continues to record and he's lost in thoughts of how adorable and peaceful Yoongi looks as he sleep in pajamas that swallow his figure. Yoongi all of a sudden moves and Jungkook's mind is back on earth.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook smiles at Yoongi as the older opens his eyes slowly.

Yoongi looks at Jungkook in a peculiar way and tilts his head.

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