The Kidnapping and Realization

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       Yoongi woke up feeling great! For once, he wasn't nervous, he wasn't anxious, and surprisingly he actually wasn't sleepy. To him, there were only two possible reasons.
     ⦁ He's going to see Kumamon today.
     ⦁ He's out of his lonely and potentially dangerous apartment.
     Knowing that, Yoongi smiles to himself. He takes a look at the clock, after some searching that is, he's relieved. It wasn't 10:00 yet. The amusement park opens around 10:30 and Yoongi absolutely did not want to be late. He wanted to be the first to see Kumamon.
     A knock comes at his room's door. Yoongi turns his head towards it and hears Jungkook's voice.
     "Hyung? Are you awake? If you are, breakfast is ready."
Yoongi didn't want to talk this early in the morning. So, he simply didn't. There was then an awkward silence between the two. In which Jungkook wasn't sure if Yoongi was awake and Yoongi...stared at the door blankly.
     "Hyung, I'm coming in, we don't want to be late to see Kumamon do we?" Jungkook says, breaking the silence and slowly opening the door. Trying not to make any noise just in case Yoongi was still asleep.
     Yoongi sees the door open and scrambles to go back to a sleeping position, facing the wall.
I wonder how he'll wake me if I refuse to wake up? Ha. I'll show him how stubborn I can be. This'll be payback for the past two weeks. Yoongi snickers silently to himself and closes his eyes, pretending to be asleep.
     Jungkook enters the room and sees a "sleeping" Yoongi.
     "Hyung, I'm sorry but if we want to see Kumamon you need to wake up." Jungkook says loud enough for Yoongi to hear.
     When Yoongi made no sign of being awake or listening, Jungkook sighs and tries again.
     "Yoongi-hyung, please wake up. The amusement park opens around 10:30 right? We should leave in twenty minutes just to be early. You said you really liked Kumamon so I thought you'd like to be the first to meet him."
     Nothing from Yoongi.
     Jungkook decides to switch tactics. He walks over to Yoongi cautiously and slightly shakes him.
     "Hyung~. We need to get up. The other's will be waiting."
     Don't lie you little brat. They always come to pick me up when we go somewhere. That is one bad excuse to get me up. Yoongi sneers in his "sleep."
     Jungkook sighs heavily. More exaggerated this time than the first.
     Yoongi hears this and gets nervous. Was I found out? Darn it. Calm down Yoongi. It's probably nothing. You can do this. Keep acting. Revenge. Must. Prevail.
     Yoongi decided to give a little grumble to show that he was asleep and Jungkook should just stop.
     Apparently, that grumble wasn't enough. Jungkook, without words, continues to tap, poke, and shake the other male.
     Yoongi was now really getting irritated. He did not just to do that.
     Yoongi then figured he should pretend he just woke up, so he wouldn't raise any suspicion. Then again, he was never really pro at acting, but he wasn't bad either. He can play a prank on anyone he wanted. He just needed to be extra careful on the smarter ones. Like Jungkook. He slowly opens his eyes, slowly shifts his body to face Jungkook and smacks him on the forehead. Jungkook winces in pain. 
     "Don't you see I'm trying to sleep here?" Yoongi says in a somewhat groggy voice, getting immersed in his role and glares at the younger.
     "Hyung! Great! You're awake! Let's go eat. You don't want to miss seeing Kumamon do you?" Jungkook exclaims, obviously dodging the question.
     Yoongi glares harder. He swears that's the only thing he's good at. "I'm tired."
"But I thought you wanted to see Kumamon." Jungkook asks in his most innocent voice ever while looking into Yoongi's eyes.
     Yoongi's heart does that beating again. The one where Yoongi doesn't know what's happening with it. Or why it's happening.
     Stay. In. Character. "But I'm tired. We still have an hour. It's only 9:20. We can leave at 10:00." Yoongi grumbles and turns his body back to the wall.
     "But I wanted to see Kumamon with you. Shouldn't we leave early?" Jungkook continues.
     Yoongi says nothing and is back to "sleeping."
     "Hyung. I'm warning you now. If you don't get up, you won't like what I'm going to to."
     What can he do to me that's so harmful? I have to stand strong in my position. Endure it Yoongi. Endure it. Yoongi thinks and does nothing.
     "I'm not kidding Hyung. I really am warning you." Jungkook says once more.
     Still nothing from the older.
     Don't think I'll be scared by a few words. I'm not that weak. Yoongi thinks to himself with his eyes closed.
     "I warned you Hyung. You've been warned." Jungkook says.
     After that, was dead silent.
     What happened? He said I was going to regret it. Ha. The lies of life. He couldn't. Coward. Yoongi continues to think to himself. That is, until the silence got too long and Yoongi started to get uncomfortable in his position. He hears the door close and he waits a few minutes before he gets up. Just in case Jungkook was right outside the door.
     After a few minutes, Yoongi decided to finally sit up and walk down for breakfast. As he stretches he turns to look at the door. Only resulting in a pair of lips clashing with his.
     Yoongi's eyes widen and before he could even process what was going on, the lips left.
     "Ha! I told you Hyung! I told you, you would regret not getting up!" Jungkook says jumping up and down pointing at the older male.
     Yoongi sits on his bed. Still processing what just happened.
     He...he...k-k-k-kissed...m-m-me. Yoongi thinks. With just that thought, his hearts goes a mile a minute, his face heats up, and so does his anger.
     "I-I-I. W-w-will kill you...Jungkook!" Yoongi says before he gets out of bed and starts chasing Jungkook down the hallways of this mansion Jungkook lives in.
     Jungkook doesn't hesitate to run. "You know Hyung, I never thought I would regret that, but I'm starting to." He says as he dashes for his life.
     "What the fuck does that suppose to mean!? You come here you little punk. Brat! I. Will. Kill. You!" Yoongi yells after Jungkook.
     Let's face it. Yoongi was never a very physical person, so seeing him run like this was rare. So, obviously, Jungkook enjoyed it. A lot.
     "Watch your language Hyung! It doesn't suit you to say such foul words." Jungkook continues.
     "I'll say whatever I want! You come here! I will make you regret doing that!"
     "Make me Hyung!"
     Yoongi speeds up and that makes Jungkook speed up too. Jungkook liked teasing Yoongi, but he always feared the outcome. So, he wasn't stupid to slow down and let him catch up. He was too young to die.
     "Jeon Jungkook. Come here!" Yoongi says.
     Jungkook turns a corner and continues straight.
     Yoongi decided to slow down and take another corner. He had taken a tour of the house yesterday, lead by Jungkook of course. He had great memory so he knew exactly where to go to catch up to Jungkook. He might not be as athletic but he sure is just as smart.
     Meanwhile, Jungkook dares to take a look behind him, and when he doesn't see Yoongi, he slows down to a stop and takes a breath.
     "How...does he have that when...he's tired?" Jungkook pants.
     "ARGH!" Yoongi pounces Jungkook as if he was a prey of the savannah.
     "AH!" Was all Jungkook managed to choke out before Yoongi took ahold of the younger's collar and hold him down to meet eye level.
     "I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You. And do you know why I am going to do that? Actually, the better question is, do you know how I am going to do that?" Yoongi barks out while glaring into Jungkook's eyes.
     "I'm sorry! But it was just a peck Hyung." Jungkook says putting his hands up.
     This results in Yoongi growling and tightening his grip.
     "Okay! I won't do that again. I don't want to know how you are going to murder me. Please! I'll never do that again. I'm too young to die! Spare me!" Jungkook proceeds, exaggerating a bit much.
     Yoongi tightens his grip even more, to the point where it's trembling, as he notices the exaggeration in the younger's voice.
     "Hyung! I'm sorry. I really am. Let's go eat! Breakfast is ready! You must be hungry by now. Thirsty too. Let's go eat breakfast and then go see Kumamon. Okay?" Jungkook rambles so he wouldn't anger Yoongi any longer.
     Yoongi's stomach starts to growl, almost on cue. It was like his body didn't want to listen to him, because he was starting to get hungry, and his grip continues to loosen until he fully let go of the taller male.
     "You're lucky you're my employee and I'm hungry." Yoongi grumbles before making his way to the kitchen.
     Jungkook releases a sigh of relief and follows.
     Stupid heart. Stupid mind. Stupid Jungkook. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I fell for someone younger than me. I fell for my employee. I fell for Jeon Jungkook. Yoongi realizes.

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