(More) Problems Pt. 3

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Jungkook blinks. "Umm.."

"Please kindly tell him to leave." Mrs. Jeon whispers as she walks by Jungkook.

Jungkook walks to Yoongi and Taehyung is behind a corner, just as baffled as Jungkook.

"Um, Hyung, I thought I," Jungkook lowers his voice, "left you in the room?"

Yoongi glares. "Yeah, you left me. Do you have any idea how hard it is to climb out a window?"

"YOU CLIMBED OUT A--" Jungkook hollers but is muffled by Yoongi's panicked reaction. "Hyung! Have you any idea how dangerous that is?"

"You think I climb windows as a profession?"

Jungkook doesn't reply to that but he urges Yoongi to go home.

"But why?! Why can't I stay? What do your parents see that's so wrong with me? I want to help you."

"Hyung..." Jungkook pauses for quite some time until he looks behind him and decides to take Yoongi outside.

"If you think force is gonna make me leave, you have another thing coming Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook pulls Yoongi to the front gates and explains his behavior the past few days. The divorce, his past with his parents, his relationship with his parents in general and the problem they have with Yoongi.

"I know about the divorce." Yoongi states. "I'm sorry you're going through this."

"Wait, what?! How'd you know?" Jungkook was starting to doubt his secret-keeping skills.

"Tae told me, like, half an hour ago when he told me to leave."

"Oh. I actually don't know how to respond to that." Jungkook replies.

"Yup--Wait. I get everything else. But why don't they like me?" Yoongi crosses his arms.

"I...I'm not exactly sure about that, considering your dad and my dad are friends but that's not the problem at the moment."

"Uh, yeah it kind of is." Yoongi proclaims and walks past Jungkook inside the house.

"W-wait! Hyung, what are you-where are you going?!" Jungkook panics and goes after Yoongi. "It would be better if you go home! I don't want you to deal with such a toxic environment--Hyung!"

Yoongi walks right into the kitchen (where they were still eating) and was about to go all out with the rants he had in mind as he was walking there but anxiety took over and he couldn't say anything as the Jeon parents eyed him intensely and Taehyung had no idea how to handle a situation like this.

Jungkook runs in right after and Yoongi suddenly remembers why he was there.

"I-I..I'd like to ask why you don't like me." Yoongi looks at the Jeon parents.

The parents look at each other.

"It's simple. You're going to make Jungkook gay." Mrs. Jeon says.

"What?" Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi all say in unison.

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