What's Bothering Yoongi?

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     Yoongi wakes up the next day to his phone ringing. He looks at his phone and picks it up.
     "What do you want Jimin?" Yoongi growls.
     "GOOD MORNING my dear Hyung! How're you? Don't tell me you're still asleep. Well, I guess I'm not all surprised but you are at the shop right? Of course you are, it's already thirty minutes after opening time, of course you would be there...I am right. Right?" Jimin rambles.
     Yoongi's shocked after hearing what time it is and because he doesn't want to disappoint his friend, Yoongi fibs.
     "Of course I am. Who do you think I am? It's past opening time. Why would I still be at home?" Yoongi tries to sound like everything is okay and Jimin is only hallucinating that Yoongi would still be at home at this time.
     "Oh okay then. Phew! I thought you were still at home, because lately, when I talked to Jungkook, he said you've been much more sleepy and coming to work late four out of seven days. I thought I would check on you to make sure you're okay." Jimin states.
     That little brat. Yoongi thinks. "Well, I'm okay and isn't it normal for me to be sleepy? I'm only coming to work late because I forgot to set my alarm. Don't worry."
     Yoongi hears Jimin sigh at the other end of the line. Not a sigh of disappointment, a sigh of relief, but there was a hint of worry.
     "Alright then Hyung. If you say so. I'll be checking in more in the next few days just to be sure. Bye Hyung! Love you!" Jimin says before he hangs up.
     "Bye." Yoongi says after Jimin hangs up. "Don't say you love me. It sounds unnatural."
     Before Yoongi decided to get ready, he looked around the room and he once again sees the box. He shivers then slowly gets off the couch groaning in pain since he was still tired and goes to change and wash up. Once Yoongi left for work, he made sure he blocked his windows, locked his doors and closed all the blinds. Even the spare key, the one that he's changed locations to keep it at so many times he lost count, took it with him. Yoongi wasn't going to leave anything around his apartment that looked like it could pick locks. He even went to his neighbors and asked them a favor to call the police if they saw any suspicious figures hanging around his place, and of course, since Yoongi was always polite to his neighbors, they said yes.


     By the time Yoongi reached his work, it was already eleven. Yoongi stood across the street across from his shop and before he crossed it he thought of how he should explain to Jungkook why he was late. He knew for sure that the younger would nag him, tease him, and then make some remark that Yoongi really hates, and it annoyed Yoongi that he would be standing across the street like this thinking of an excuse. He decided that he should be angry and yell at Jungkook for "tattling" on him with Jimin first before Jungkook had a chance to yell at him. Yoongi nods at his plan and walks across the road and into his shop. When he walks in, he is met with a very pissed off Jungkook. Jungkook walks right up to Yoongi, stands about three feet away from him and looks him right in the eyes, glaring so intensely, Yoongi flinched a little every time Jungkook made some movement.
     Jungkook's mouth slowly opens after he takes a breath and in a quiet but menacing voice he asks, "Yoongi-hyung, care to explain to me why you are two hours late this morning?"
     Yoongi flinches once again as Jungkook says his name, and Yoongi is feeling quite embarrassed that he's so cautious today in front of his dongsaeng. Yoongi takes a few breaths before he mutters, "I don't wanna talk about it."
     Dammit Yoongi. You totally followed the plan you made two minutes ago. Yoongi sneers at himself.
     Jungkook's eyebrows furrow and of course Yoongi takes a notice of this. He felt as if the younger was going to swing a punch at him, so he quickly says, "I was only late, I'm sorry okay! I'll try not to be late again. I promise!"
     Jungkook's eyebrows furrow even more and Yoongi thought they might become one. Yoongi knew that this was pretty pathetic, coming to work late almost everyday, lying to one of his closest friends, and relying so much on a new employee to do most of the work. Yoongi didn't like the feeling but with what's going on right now, he can't help it.
     That's no excuse. Yoongi scolds himself.
     Yoongi closes his eyes, ready for whatever Jungkook was going to throw at him. Yelling, punches, tables. He was ready, he really kinda deserved it. He's been acting pretty pathetic and he knows it.
     For what seemed like centuries, nothing hit him, he didn't hear anything for a while, until a sigh came from Jungkook and Yoongi looks up. Jungkook's eyes seemed hurt. Yoongi feels a pain in his chest since he knows what that means. He's seen it more than once and he's felt what Jungkook is feeling too many times to count.
     "Look, I really am sorry. With all the stuff going on right now, I can't really focus and obviously, it's interfering with my work, I really will try to not let that happen again okay? I'll try to work something out." Yoongi says, loud enough for Jungkook to hear.
     Jungkook somewhat looked relieved but still looked pretty pissed. "You'll work it out?"
     "Yeah. Just, I'll figure it out slowly okay?" Yoongi says again.
     "You'll work it out?" Jungkook repeats. 
     "I just said so."
     "You don't want help from someone like me do you?" Jungkook says while boring into the shorter male's eyes.
     "W-what?" Yoongi was confused.
     "You said you would work this out yourself. Why? Am I not reliable enough? Is Jimin or Namjoon the only ones who can help? They seem to be the only ones who know about what happens in your life." Jungkook spits out.
     Yoongi is of course, stunned by this. He hasn't told anyone. Not Namjoon, not Jimin, not Hoseok, not even Seokjin, and Seokjin was someone he really trusted.
     "I-I'm not sure what you mean. I haven't talked to them for a few days now, I spoke to Jimin, t-this morning, b-but, I don't know..." Yoongi sputters feeling his face heat up.
     "Just shut it. You don't need to lie. You're avoiding me aren't you?" Jungkook raises his voice.
     "I asked you, if you were avoiding me?!" Jungkook yells.
     "W-w-what gave you that idea?" Yoongi really was confused by all of this.
     Ding! "Woah! The heck is going on?"
     Both heads turns towards the voice.
     "H-Hoseok..." Yoongi says. "H-h-hi."
     "Woah Hyung, you okay? You seem really shocked and you-" Hoseok says but stops mid-sentence when he sees who Yoongi was with. "You're the one who bought the necklace and bracelet the other day!"
     Jungkook slightly nods his head for he felt slightly embarrassed that someone walked in on him while he was trying to "talk" to Yoongi.
     "Hyung, are you okay? You don't seem very good." Hoseok directs his attention back to the other who now looks even more confused and hurt. "Hyung, a-are you crying?"
Yoongi's eyes widen as he just realizes that he was, indeed, crying. "I-I don't know." He manages to say.
     "Hyung what happened!?" Hoseok asks in a hurry trying to find out why anyone would hurt the silvered hair boy when he was hurt enough.
     Yoongi shakes his head violently. "N-N-N-Nothing! Nothing happened! I don't know why I'm crying, it's weird huh? Sometimes, water just flows like that, there's nothing wrong with me!"
     Hoseok is then, within an instant, filled with anger. He turns to Jungkook, who was shocked that Yoongi would cry after his scolding, and Hoseok on instinct blames whoever was in the room at the time and there was no one else but Jungkook. Hoseok's eyes narrow and he snaps.
     "You're the one who made him cry aren't you? You were just yelling at him just now before I came in. I saw you. I want you to apologize. Right. Now."
     "I-I didn't mean to." Jungkook tells Hoseok.
     "Don't deny it. You made him cry. The only time where Yoongi-hyung would cry is when something really shocked him, he's having a panic attack, or he's fed up with something. You did something to make Hyung cry. I don't fucking care what it is, I want you to apologize now." Hoseok's voice is filled with threat as he looks at Jungkook.
     "I-I really didn't mean to make him cry. I was just-" Jungkook tries to say but was cut off by Hoseok.
     "I don't care if you meant it or not. You made him cry. You have to apologize now, or you'll regret ever showing up today." Hoseok's voice looms with anger.
     "Hoseok...it's fine. It's fine. Really. I'm fine. Don't worry. It was my fault. I deserved it." Yoongi speaks up.
     Hoseok turns his head towards his Hyung with a confused expression. "What do you mean Hyung?"
     "I was late...really late this morning. I literally just came in not even ten minutes ago. I'm late for work and I didn't warn Jungkook of anything. I didn't tell anyone about anything. I deserve it. Don't get angry at him."
     "Okay, so you were a little late for work. He didn't have to go berserk like that." Hoseok states.
     "I'm sure it's not the only thing that Jungkook's angry at me for."
     All of Jungkook and Hoseok's attention was directed at Yoongi since it seems that something really was bothering him. A lot.
     "Hyung. I've been noticing lately that you're turning down Namjoon, Seokjin-hyung, and my offers a lot more than you usually do. Is there something bothering you that you're scared to talk with us about?" Hoseok tries to comfort Yoongi so he can say whatever was on his mind.
     Yoongi hesitates. Should I? If I don't tell them now...it'll just be an endless cycle. I'd be a coward. But...what if...
     Yoongi glances between Jungkook and Hoseok. He then nods and goes over to the table, where he talked with Namjoon the other day, and sat. Hoseok and Jungkook follows and sits with him.
     Jungkook at this time was mentally stabbing himself because he couldn't believe he didn't think of trying to comfort the other instead of letting his anger take control. He really is still immature. I should've just asked him yesterday. I could've gotten it done and over with and we wouldn't be doing this today. I made Hyung cry. You are one jerk Jungkook. Jungkook thinks as he gets comfortable and ready to, this time, patiently, wait for Yoongi to say what he needed to.
     "Um...So..." Yoongi starts but trails off.
     "I'm listening Hyung. Go on." Hoseok reassures the older so he can feel more relaxed and can say what he wants to.
     Jungkook was really not liking this Hoseok. You're not the only one listening. I am too!
     "Well...it started about a few days after Jungkook came as an employee." Yoongi says with his eyes titled downwards, towards the floor.
     "It's been bothering you for more than two weeks? That long?" Hoseok asks.
     Yoongi shrugs. "I'm not exactly sure, but it started around there."
     "What started around there?" Hoseok urges.
     "Um..." Yoongi glances again between Jungkook and Hoseok.
     Jungkook then gets a dire and disastrous feeling that he might be the cause of Yoongi's worries. It can't be me...right? I only wanted to make him fall for me...I never wanted to hurt him in any way...
     Yoongi seems to sense what Jungkook is feeling by the scared look in his eyes and so, to make it clear that Jungkook isn't the one who's causing all his anxiety attacks, Yoongi smiles and continues, gaining a bit more confidence now that he knows that there are two people in front of him who really do care. Jungkook looks a bit relieved too.
     "I've been receiving very disturbing gifts from someone and I don't know who it is." Yoongi starts.
     Stalkers? Both Jungkook and Hoseok thinks at the same time. Of course, they don't know this.
     "A few days after Jungkook started working here, I started getting texts from someone I didn't know. At first, I thought they just got the wrong phone number and brushed it off as I didn't take it into much thought. This happened for about a week, until last Sunday, I got a box in front of my door. I didn't know what was in it until I got inside. I really wished I never opened the box..." Yoongi's voice starts to tremble and he still refuses to make eye contact.
     Hoseok takes a notice, so he scoots his seat right next to the older and starts patting and rubbing circles onto Yoongi's back. Jungkook doesn't like the sight, but this wasn't the time to get jealous, so he continues to listen. Yoongi releases a breath and goes on with his story.
     "When I opened the box, I saw a very unsettling sight."
     "What was in it?" Hoseok says quietly, not wanting to surprise his Hyung in any way.
     "There were flowers. Dead flowers. Just dead flowers and some red stains. It included a note that said 'I hope you like this gift I got you, I worked really hard.' After the messaged followed some more red stains and a heart."
     Hoseok and Jungkook's eyes widen. Yoongi starts to tremble as he starts to remember what he saw on the first night that he came home.
     "I of course threw the box away. I didn't want to do anything with it. I didn't want to know anything about it. I threw it away. Then...I got a message asking if I liked the gift. I didn't know what was going on and I got really nervous...I couldn't sleep at all that night so I decided to stay up. With the lights on and watched TV until I fell asleep..." Yoongi ends his first part of the story.
     "Oh no...You said this was last Sunday. You were late today too. Has it gotten worse?" Hoseok asks, while Jungkook proceeds to listen.
     Yoongi nods, as he starts fiddling with his fingers.
     "W-what happened?" Jungkook finally speaks.
     "I continued to get the texts and I continuously ignored them, until Tuesday, a text was sent to me saying that if I kept ignoring them, I was going to regret it big time. They said they knew you, Namjoon, Seokjin-hyung, and Jungkook and where you guys lived...so they could go to you guys any day and made me really regret disregarding their messages." Yoongi pauses and takes a breath.
     "Dirty punks. That's blackmail." Hoseok says.
     "So, I started texting back, and the gifts keep coming and they keep getting more and more disturbing. Two days ago, I received a dead rat with flowers and more red stains and notes, but I found the box inside the apartment...I swear I locked everything when I left. I got another box yesterday when I got home, it was inside too. I haven't and don't want to open it." Yoongi says, quivering with fear and it was evident in his voice. It also sounded like he was about to cry again.
     Hoseok and Jungkook look at each other and then back at Yoongi who was right now massaging his own hands to calm down.
     "Is that why you didn't tell us? Is this the reason why you've been avoiding and making excuses with us?" Hoseok asks in his most gentle voice.
     Yoongi nods and Jungkook feels immense regret and self-hatred that he took his anger out on Yoongi.
     Hoseok then smiles. "Yoongi-hyung. You don't have to worry about us. We'll be fine. Have you seen Namjoon? He does not possess an ability to not break things. He's incapable of touching anything without breaking it, I'm very sure he can protect himself. Seokjin-hyung is really nice but I know for sure that he can protect himself. He isn't very kind when he's angry. And you know me Hyung. I can easily protect myself. If this is a girl we're talking about, then I can easily defend, and if it's a guy, I can still easily defend. You don't have to worry about us. If something's bothering you, talk about it with us. We're friends right?" Hoseok finishes up then looks at Jungkook.
     "I don't know Jungkook well yet, and he didn't make a very good first impression, but by looking at him, I'm certain he doesn't need anybody to worry about him. It looks like he's capable of guarding himself." Hoseok adds on.
     Yoongi looks up at the both of them and a smile slowly forms on his face, but quickly disappears. "Can you not tell this to Jimin? He'll come back early because of worry and if he get's involved, I don't think he'll be able to..."
     Hoseok chuckles. "I'm very sure Jimin can defend himself. With all that muscle and aerobic skills, I'm sure he can. But because you don't want him to know, I won't tell, but I will tell Namjoon and Seokjin-hyung, because they're worried out of their pants."
Yoongi smiles, nods and looks at Jungkook. Jungkook smiles at Yoongi, hoping to be forgiven.
     There it is again.
Yoongi questions his heartbeat, but he feels relieved that Jungkook wasn't angry at him anymore and he wasn't going through this alone.
     "Well Hyung, I gotta go. I'm meeting with Namjoon so we can talk. I'll tell him about this and ask him not to tell Jimin, but tonight, I want you to walk home with Jungkook and stay with him. I don't want you in that apartment alone. It's too risky. I am also going to have Seokjin-hyung go and check on you at Jungkook's home, but I'm sure, even without me saying anything, he'll probably go." Hoseok instructs Yoongi.
     "I can protect myself! If I'm gonna go with anyone, why can't I stay at Namjoon's?" Yoongi whines.
     "This isn't the time to be prideful and picky Hyung. You're safety and sanity is on the line here. Please do as I ask." Hoseok tells Yoongi before turning to Jungkook, "Please do what I just said. Take him home with you and tell your folks you'll be having a friend over for a few days. I need you to keep and eye on him, and, can I talk to you outside for a moment?"
     Jungkook listens, nods and heads outside with Hoseok. Yoongi feels a short pain in his chest, but he isn't sure why. He just knows he doesn't like Jungkook going with Hoseok like that without him.
     Meanwhile, Outside
     "The necklace and bracelet yesterday, did you give it to Hyung yet?" Hoseok asks.
     "How'd you know it was for him?" Jungkook questions.
     Hoseok smiles. "Is there actually another human on the planet like him?"
     "Yeah, I guess you're right."
     "Well Romeo. I hope you confess soon. Yoongi-hyung would be thrilled. I'm putting him in your hands. Please protect him. Oh, and what's your address and phone number?"
     Jungkook blushes, nods and tells Hoseok his contact info.
     "Thanks bro. So, I'll be heading over tonight. Tell your parents you'll be having some friends over."
     "Oh. Um. For the next two months, my dad won't be home. Come as you please." Jungkook says.
     "Oh? Why's that?" Hoseok asks.
     "My dad goes on business trips a lot and my mom rarely comes home because of work. My dad left yesterday night." Jungkook says.
     "Well, then I guess we won't have to worry about adults at the time being. Just be sure you keep an eye on Hyung. He can get reckless, oh and if he starts searching for paper, pencil or scissors, just give him some, but be careful of scissors."
     "Hyung loves to create things. He especially loves to write. Whether it be songs or poems or stories. He loves to write. He just loves to make things, and he does that when he's anxious in new surroundings so make sure you give him what he wants. He also tends to hurt himself. It's usually an accident, but if you asks you for scissors, watch for what he does. Also, try not to be such a jerk to the poor thing. He's very sensitive." Hoseok explains.
     "Oh. Okay then." Jungkook smiles.
     "Please, don't take your eyes off of him. He's had cases of stalkers before but never this serious."
     Jungkook nods.
     "So did you give him the presents yet?" Hoseok remembers that Jungkook still hadn't answer his question.
     "I slipped it in his bag. I wanted it to be a secret. I left a note with it too." Jungkook answered.
     "Note..." Hoseok starts. "You're not the one doing this to him are you?"
     "What!? No! Why would I!?" Jungkook defends.
     "Hyung said in the box came a note and this started a few days after you arrived. It doesn't sound all coincidental to me." Hoseok was getting very suspicious.
     "It's all just a coincidence! I would never do something so disgusting. You can go check yourself. I would never do such a thing to the person I love."
     Hoseok looks Jungkook up and down and he sneers. "Well, when I walked in, you were yelling at him, so I can't exactly believe anything you say."
     "Just go check Hyung's bag. I'm very sure the box that he saw yesterday wasn't from me. He found it inside his apartment. His bag was with him the whole time." Jungkook says, feeling very offended.
     "Fine. I shall do just that." Hoseok says before marching back inside to check Yoongi's bag and Jungkook follows in pursuit.
     Back Inside...
     "Hyung. May I check your bag for a moment?" Hoseok asks as innocently as he could.
     "Sure. But why?" Yoongi asks back.
     "Remember a few days ago when you came to visit?"
     Yoongi nods, and Jungkook gets jealous. That's too many times a day Jungkook. Too many times a day. Jungkook thinks to himself.
     "I remember we were playing a game and we tossed your bag around a lot. I think I might've dropped something in there. May I check?"
     "I guess." Yoongi says and hands Hoseok his bag.
     Hoseok goes to the far corner of the room and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
     You totally didn't make that obvious. Jungkook thinks.
     Hoseok walks back a minute later and give Yoongi back his bag. "Nevermind. I think it's somewhere on my floor."
     "You should really clean up." Yoongi says.
     "I will, I will. Now I really gotta go. My phone's vibrating like an earthquake. Namjoon's getting impatient." Hoseok says, waves a hand at Yoongi and walks out but before he does, he looks at Jungkook, "You're off the hook this time."
     Jungkook shrugs and mouths an 'I told you.'
     Yoongi doesn't like that he's being left out and asks, "What did he mean by that?"
     "Oh nothing. Hyung. I'm sorry for everything that happened just now. I didn't know what was going on and I took that frustration out on you. I'm really sorry." Jungkook says bowing his head in apology.
     "I forgive you, but I have to apologize myself. I tried to keep it all to myself...and I made it look like I didn't trust you, I'm sorry." Yoongi says, lowering his head slightly.
     Jungkook looks up and smiles. Yoongi's check start to heat up, but he wasn't sure why. He didn't completely hate the feeling though.
     "I have to tell you though. It's a habit. I don't usually tell my friends what's going on unless I want to. I just don't have that urge. So, if this happens again in the future, which I'm sure it will, please...be understanding..." Yoongi says as he, this time, bows his head all the way in apology, throwing away his pride for now, and mumbling the last part.
     Of course, Jungkook has like superhuman ears and hears every last syllable. He continues to smile even brighter.
     And here I thought Jimin was the only one capable of doing that. Yoongi makes a note to himself.
     "Hey Hyung." Jungkook speaks up after like three minutes of awkward silence.
     "We're already late for opening shop right?"
     "Don't remind me. And don't you dare tell Jimin!" Yoongi hangs his head.
     "I won't Hyung, but since we're already late, let's just close today and go on a date!"
     "W-what!?" Yoongi is shocked.
     "I said, let's go on a date! It's already really late into the day so why don't we just have today off and have fun! I don't know you very well, and it's been about two to three weeks since we've known each other. This is a great opportunity!" Jungkook happily exclaims.
     "But...If Jimin finds out..."
     "Oh come on! You're already about three hours late. There's no point in opening now. I want to know you better too, and if Jimin-hyung finds out, I have a plan. Just trust me!"
     "Okay, fine but don't call it a date." Yoongi says.
     "Then what should we call it?"
     "Um...a field trip." Yoongi says.
     How cute. Jungkook thinks and smiles for like the billionth time since everything's been settled between him and his Hyung. "Then let's go on a field trip! After that, you can just come right over to my house! Everything will be fine. Plus, it'll take your mind off of...what's going on now."
     "Fine. Let's go. But if Jimin calls and asks me where I am, you're at fault."
     "Fine by me." 

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