The Convo (Cont)

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"See, I told you he was gonna end up gay anyway." Mrs. Jeon sighs of frustration.

"I want you to break up with him." Mr. Jeon raises his voice louder.

"There you go again! Making decisions by yourself and not thinking about how I feel! What if I love Hyung more than I've ever liked a girl? What if I don't want to be heir to the stupid company? What if I don't want to call you 'sir' and 'ma'am'? What if I want you two to stay together even if you're unhappy, for my sake?" Jungkook raises his voice. "Just once, would you please think about how I feel?"

Taehyung has never seen Jungkook so aggressive towards his parents nor has he heard him use so many "I's" and "want's".

Yoongi glances over to the Jeon couple and sees realization cast over them as if they had never thought of the fact they had a son. This slightly ticks Yoongi but he wasn't going to say anything.

"Darling..I'm sorry...but this is something I can't agree with you with." Mrs. Jeon says.

"Of course, you never agree with me on anything." Jungkook sighs and it dawns on him that it was useless trying to reason. He looks at Yoongi through the corner of his eyes and an idea comes to him.

"But, we can listen to any other request you have. If you break up with him." Mr. Jeon adds.

"Or, I can accept your divorce if you let me go out with Hyung."

Yoongi chokes on air as he hears his name being thrown out onto an invisible gambling table. Taehyung brightens up, proud that his best friend thought of it himself.

The Jeons look at each other with scowls.

"We won't get a divorce if you break up with him." Mr. Jeon offers.

"What?!" Mrs. Jeon screams.

"It's for Jungkook's sake."

"His sake? Oooh, this is what drives me nuts about you. It's always "for Jungkook" when in actuality, it's always for you!" Mrs. Jeon flails her arms.

"Our reputation depends on it."

"Uh, no, I just remembered, it actually depends on how you, the current CEO, run the company. He doesn't even take over until you're dead. I'm not exactly all pro-homo either but if this person, who just so happens to be male, makes Jungkook happier than we ever have, then there's no problem."

Jungkook, Taehyung and Yoongi's jaw drop in silence. The 180 shift of opponents was too abrupt for them to keep up.

"So you're saying you're willing to support a relationship that's not accepted by the world?" Mr. Jeon glowers.

"Uh, I have leopard prints as shower curtains, I can support whatever I want." Mrs. Jeon disputes.

"You want our heir to introduce his wife as a man?"

"He's your heir, he's my son and my son doesn't have to introduce anyone to anybody."

Jungkook has never felt more loved.

"So you're okay with Jungkook marrying a man to run a company?"

"Heck, I'd be okay if he married Kyung-ok."

Yoongi openly gags whilst Jungkook and Taehyung silently frown.

"But Kyung-ok is a girl."

"But Kyung-ok is his cousin, so yeah, if Jungkook is happy dating Yoongi, then he has my support." Mrs. Jeon smiles at Jungkook.

Jungkook felt his heart flutter with happiness and momentarily forgets about the divorce.

"Plus, I kinda have to. If I don't support it, you'll force me to stay with you and I can't stand that. Anything is better than living the rest of my life with you." Mrs. Jeon flips her hair lightly.

"Lucky for you I feel the same. It drives me crazy hearing your voice." Mr. Jeon rolls his eyes.

"Aww, why thanks."

"It's like the devil appears every time you speak."

"Better than you. You're always so serious and you never have fun and you never listen!"

Jungkook really wants to say, "tell me about it," but knows it's not appropriate at the moment.

"I get work done. You get nails done."

"I get my nails done to get work done. You don't pay attention to me or Jungkook which is why he's so thin!"

The argument escalates with the two pulling in extremely personal stuff that's not worth pointing out and when Mrs. Jeon screams "I even already have another man! How about you?" Jungkook wants to faint.

Mrs. Jeon realizes what she says and quickly corrects herself. "Oh, I don't mean I have another family!"

Jungkook is leaning his forehead on Taehyung's shoulder as his friend fans him.

"Darling, oh I don't mean I don't love you or anything." She does this hop thing over to her son and starts patting his back. "I have someone else who supports me and cares, but I will still see you as much as you want."

Jungkook was feeling light-headed from everything that was happening in a duration of merely two or so hours.

"I have some shocking news about your dad too if you thought me having a boyfriend was quaking."

"Um, Mrs. Jeon, I think it's okay. As long as Hyung and he get to date, I think he'll learn how to cope with you having a boyfriend and whatever other news." Taehyung speaks up for the first time.

Mrs. Jeon nods and goes to get water for Jungkook.

"Mr. Jeon, do you accept your son and my relationship if you're able to get the divorce like you wanted?" Yoongi says from his seat.

Mr. Jeon grumbles a bit and mumbles under his breath but as he hears Mrs. Jeon come jogging back with water, he lightly nods and Jungkook smiles to himself. He thought it probably wasn't so bad because his parents will be happy and it's not like he can't see them or anything and there's Yoongi and Taehyung so it wasn't too bad. 

Jungkook felt relieved for the first time that day and when his parents had to take the plane back to whatever country they were doing business in, knowing that their son is okay mentally and physically, Jungkook for once didn't feel lonely seeing them drive off.

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