The Small House Date: Part Two

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A/N: Before you start reading, I would like to thank you all for the tremendous support I'm getting! I'm sorry I haven't update for the past week. AP classes got intense. Putting that aside, THANK YOU SO DARN MUCH. I love you all! *Gets on knees and does a bow* Anyways, enjoy the last part of the house date Yoongi and Jungkook are having before I finally actually kick off the plot. Enjoy and thank you!! I love you all! (I also won't be updating until next Sunday, so please be patient. I love you all, and enjoy!)


     Ding Dong!

     Yoongi was sitting in the room that Jungkook had set up for him after his shower, (in which Yoongi had to borrow Jungkook's clothes since he didn't bring any with him, but the younger male's clothes were a bit big on him, and in which Jungkook had to hold back the urge to do some very sinful things to the other) when he heard the doorbell and turns his head.

     "I'll get it Hyung!" Yoongi hears Jungkook shout from down the hall.

     Yoongi gets up anyway, heading to the front door, hoping it would be Hoseok and Seokjin because he was getting a bit bored.

At The Front Door

     Jungkook opens up to a tall and good-looking man, holding a bag.

     "You're Jungkook right?" The man asks.

     Jungkook nods.

     The man then smiles, "Then, Yoongi must be here right?"

     Jungkook nods, realizing that this certain person must be the one named Seokjin that Yoongi was talking about, because, well, this person wasn't Hoseok, and Jungkook had no friends besides Taehyung, so...there was no other explanation. The bag Seokjin was holding was probably the clothes for Yoongi and other resources he will be needing.

     The man smiles once more and extends his hand. "I'm Seokjin. Hoseok told you I would be coming over." Jungkook smiles (again) and takes the hand to shake it.


     Both Seokjin and Jungkook's head turns to face the voice. Meeting a, very happy, Yoongi as he practically sprints over to Seokjin.

     "Yoongi! Are you alright? Is everything okay? Did you eat yet? Are you hurt? What happened? WHY. DID. YOU. NOT. TELL. ME?" Seokjin says the moment Yoongi stops in front of him. Not waiting for Yoongi to say anything first.

     "Um...I'll tell you all that inside." Yoongi says. Hyung...I was going to say something first. Like...hi.

     Seokjin looks at Jungkook and so does Yoongi.

     "Oh! Come on in." Jungkook says with a smile. (Once again. Does this person's mouth muscles not hurt?)

     Seokjin slightly bows his head towards Jungkook and enters the spacious house.

     Yoongi then leads Seokjin up to the room that Jungkook had set up and the said male follows in pursuit, not feeling very pleased with how happy Yoongi was to see Seokjin, but he can't exactly be mad since this Seokjin person seemed really nice.

     Once they were inside Yoongi's room and everyone was comfortable, Seokjin asks his question once again, eyes boring into the other's eyes as Jungkook watches with a held breath.

     "So, Yoongi. Mind telling me if you're alright? Is everything okay? Did you eat? Are you hurt in any way? What happened overall? And WHY. DID. YOU. NOT. TELL. ME?"

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