An Unwelcome(?) Call

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A/N: I'M BACK! A bit late, but I'm back. It's short but please enjoy it! I'll update next week! It'll be between Sunday to Tuesday so please bear with me. I love you all! 


Jungkook was walking back to his house as he replays the conversation he had with Yoongi that morning.

"I obviously care about it or I wouldn't stay at your overwhelming place." Yoongi is now the one with his arms crossed and his hip popped into the sassiest pose possible.

"You think my place is overwhelming?" Jungkook asks.

"It's a mansion. I'm poor and broke. I grew up in a small town. I've never been in something as grand as your place." Yoongi explains.

The word "overwhelming" echoed throughout Jungkook's head. He didn't want Yoongi to feel overwhelmed when he was with him. So, he made a decision to make his place not overwhelming.

Though he had no idea how to do that.

Hyung isn't poor. But he ain't rich either. do I do this without mom and dad finding out? They're coming back when I go back to school...Jungkook was deep in thought as he walked. Oh! I'll go see what Hyung's apartment looks like and make just Hyung's room look like that! Jeon Jungkook, you are a pure genius. Jungkook applauds himself as he turns around and heads towards Yoongi's apartment instead.

As he speed walks there, an obstacle stands in his way. Wait. How do I get in? Jungkook pauses. Then he smiles. I'll ask Namjoon-hyung! Jungkook whips out his phone and dials Namjoon. They had all shared each other's contact info a few days before.

"Hey Jungkook. What's up?" Namjoon's voice comes through the phone.

"Hi Hyung! Um. So, I wanna do something for Hyung so he could be more comfortable at my place. But I need his apartment to do it. May I have the passcode to his place?" Jungkook explains his situation.

"Um...I know the passcode but I don't trust you. Why do you need Hyung's place?" Namjoon was suspicious. "How do I even know this is you?"

Jungkook sighs. "It's me Hyung. Promise. I just need to see what Hyung's apartment looks like so I can make my place looks similar so he can be comfortable."

"I still don't trust you. Meet me at the cafe near Yoongi-hyung's shop and I'll personally take you there." Namjoon decided.

"But I'm already three blocks away from Hyung's apartment."

"Then I ain't giving you the password."

Jungkook sighs. "Okay okay. I'll see you in a few Hyung."

"I'll see you then Jungkook." Namjoon says and hangs up.

Jungkook turns his heels once more and heads to the cafe. At this point, he's more than a regular customer.

Once Jungkook reaches the cafe and walks in, he spots Namjoon right away.

"Hi Hyung." Jungkook greets as he takes a seat across from Namjoon.

"Hey there. Now, tell me about this plan of yours."

"Well. I was being a baby this morning and argued with Hyung for a bit. He then said that he cared for me or he wouldn't stay with me at my "overwhelming place." So, I decided that I want to make my place more to Hyung's tastes. Or he might leave me!" Jungkook's mind goes to a dark place real fast.

"Woah there Kook's. Calm thy self. I'll help. But I have to come with you to the apartment. I can't just give you the passcode or the location of the spare key. That would be stupid of me." Namjoon says and stands up.

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