Jungkook is Okay(??)

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Yoongi was feeling guilty. He had woken up when he thought he felt something vibrate and sees Jungkook walk into the hallway. Yoongi goes back to sleep when he hears Jungkook apologizes to his mom. Before he knew it, he listened to the conversation between Jungkook and his mother.

    I don't even wanna eat now...Yoongi pulls out his phone and texts Namjoon.

Sent to: Idiot Nam at 7:30pm

I messed up.

Sent to: Lazy Hyung at 7:31pm

Why Hyung? What happened?

Sent to: Idiot Nam at 7:31pm

I eavesdropped on a conversation.

Sent to: Lazy Hyung at 7:32pm

What conversation?? On purpose or..?

Sent to: Idiot Nam at 7:33pm

It wasn't on purpose!! I feel guilty.

Sent to: Lazy Hyung at 7:33pm

Hyung. I have no idea how to help if you don't tell

me the whole story!! And I wanna help.

Sent to: Idiot Nam at 7:33pm

But...I feel guilty if I tell.

Sent to: Lazy Hyung at 7:33pm

Hyung. Listen to me. It's gonna be alright.

Just tell me what's wrong.

Sent to: Idiot Nam at 7:34pm

Jungkook seemed like he was having the

worse day in history and I didn't know why.

So I just let it pass. But then...

Sent to: Lazy Hyung at 7:35pm

But then...?

Sent to: Idiot Nam at 7:35pm

He got a call from his mom and it seems to

have made his day worse. Now I don't know

what to do.

After this text, Namjoon takes a while to reply. Yoongi wonders if he did something wrong. Jungkook's footsteps are then heard and he wants Namjoon to hurry up and reply.

Sent to: Lazy Hyung at 7:44pm

Okay Hyung. Sorry that took a while. Jin fell.

Why don't you talk to him?

Sent to: Idiot Nam at 7:44pm

He said he'll talk when he's ready.

Sent to: Lazy Hyung at 7:44pm

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