CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT - One goes, another comes

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A/N: Picture to the side by littleivy_


Tyson POV

Why had I come here again?

It was Monday evening and right after work I’d gone to the train station to say goodbye to Devon.

Again: why?

Even though I now though he was a cool guy, we still weren’t friends. So how come when Alex asked me today at school to join her in sending Devon off I’d agreed?

Perhaps I was curious as to why she wanted me to tag along.

“Or maybe you just wanted to spend more time with her,” a little voice in my head suggested.

I sighed.

Yeah, that could also be the reason why I was here.

“So, Tyson…” Devon smiled alluringly at me. “Do I get a kiss goodbye?”

I rolled my eyes.

“Maybe next time,” I responded sarcastically.

“Are you sure? Because…” He took a step closer to me and whispered huskily: “Anytime you want to try something new, you just give me a call!” He winked before stepping back. “And you little menace,” he hugged Alex, making her smile, “don’t forget to call! And if you happen to take pictures of our boy here with less clothing on, please do share!”

“I’m not in the habit of posing for pictures, Devon,” I responded instead of the girl.

“Who said anything about you posing? She could always sneak up on you under the shower.” He licked his lips and smirked. “Oh, man, what I wouldn’t give to see you under the shower.”

“He does look good all wet,” Alex intervened, grinning wickedly, no doubt referring to the time we were handcuffed to each other and fell into Joey’s pool. She gazed towards the large clock that was on the station wall and her smile disappeared. “You should probably get on the train, Dev; it’s going to leave any minute now.”

“Yeah, I should.” The guy gave her one more hug before approaching the machine. “On second thought…”

He turned one-eighty and rushed to me. Before I realized what was going on he placed his lips over mine, his beard grazing my skin, his hands gripping my face so I couldn’t move away. Only a moment later he let go of me, leaving me to gape dumbly at him while some of the nearby people wolf-whistled at us while others shook their heads disapprovingly.

“It would’ve been a shame to leave without a kiss goodbye,” he stated and without another word he got on his train.

I turned to Alex too stunned to actually say something, my situation seeming surreal. I vaguely registered her telling the guy to say hi to his sister for her as I touched my lips gingerly. Devon had just kissed me… I just got kissed by a guy!

The girl looked at me with an amused expression.

“He kissed me!” I managed to finally utter.

“Yeah, I saw. So?”

“And you don’t mind?”

“What? Seeing one hot guy kiss another?” The brunette smirked. “I’ll be having such good dreams tonight!”

She actually fantasized about seeing me with another guy?

I shook my head.

Will I ever accept her sexuality? What if we were to get together and she wanted a threesome or something? I was an old fashioned guy: when people were together it should be just the two of them.

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