Chapter Two *Edited*

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Breakjoon: Thumb? Err Ailee...

Breakjoon: You said my dick was a perfect size, hit the good spots? Are you angry at me?

memesiwant: I don't know who this Ailee is. I sure know for a fact, she defiantly was obviously lying... or you are her only experience with dicks mr err?

memesiwant: She probably just telling you that to make you feel better. It's okay us girls always do that, so don't be insecure, its okay, I think its a cute little size, Ailee on the other hand, she might not :D

Breakjoon: Namjoon.. Kim Namjoon... Is this some sort of joke?

Breakjoon: wait oh my god.

Breakjoon: i sent that to the wrong person wtf!! I am so sorry for sending that to you, are you okay? I hope I haven't made you uncomfortable...

Breakjoon: Wait? I highly doubt she was saying that to make me feel better... We have been together for a long time... Cute size, thats a good joke.

Breakjoon: Wait, wait... Please delete the picture, this picture can't get out. I mean it was my fault... But please I can't have these posted online, like some girls do.

memesiwant: i made it into a meme.

Memesiwant: Your penis is so cute, its a now a cute meme, if that makes you feel a bit better... It's a memepenis now XD

Breakjoon: NO NO NO. TAKE IT DOWN.... You don't know who I am, you probably should since you are currently messaging me from Korea?

memesiwant: No? Should I? Are you are famous? A catfish?

memesiwant: Oh oh I know... You are a famous politician, you are about to go into the south korean election? And then Boom... You dick has now been turned into a meme, and now you are officially going to lose...

Breakjoon: Kim Namjoon... Rapmonster? If you listen to BTS, you should know me, we are a famous group?

memesiwant: oh i know you...

memeiwant: wait.

memesiwant: no.

memesiwant: Wait....

memesiwant: oh my god.

memesiwant: You are famous.

breakjoon: Take it down now. It shows my face...

memesiwant: you are famously small!!!

breakjoon: ... please?

memesiwant: Please?

breakjoon: Just take my dick down...


memesiwant:i won't but they will....

breakjoon: oh for the love of god.

memesiwant: you mean for the love of a cute dick....

memesiwant: Baby boy ;)

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