Chapter Six *Edited*

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Breakmon: what?!!!!!

memesiwant: does yo ass speak English?

Breakmon: yes.

memesiwant: okay. So that person that speaks English in the beginning of those short films, was that you?

Breakmon: why are you asking? What does it matter if it was me? Hmmm? 

memesiwant: first my boyfriend can't speak english. All he can say. "I need that nose."Hoseok can only make noises. The others. They can't. WELL JIN CAN KIND OF. ALL HE TALKS ABOUT IS HIS WORLD WIDE HANDSOME FACE! JUNGKOOK LITERALLY IS WEUOHFJKWEDF 

Memesiwant: Soo IT HAS TO BE YOU!!!!!!

Breakmon: Well it is me, what is the matter? Are you triggered by something. Triggered by how sexy my accent is? 

Memesiwant: First of all. Ew 

Memesiwant: i'm calling my therapist right now, because that traumatised me. 

Memesiwant: But let me put this down straight. Also I'm a bit frantic, because I just came back from my psych assessment, and they have diagnosed me with Major Depressive disorder, and Mild schizophrenia, So I'm little dazed. 

Memesiwant: ANYWAYS! 

Memesiwant: Egg.

Memesiwant: Egg.

Memesiwant: You said Agg. Agg.


Memesiwant: AGG

Breakmon: That's how it's pronounced isn't it. I'm so sorry to hear that. You doing okay? 

Memesiwant: e is not said as A. It's pronounced as Eeeeeeee.


Memesiwant: FFS. Yeah I'm fine about it. I mean just makes me more fun to be around, there won't be alone. I'll have friends talking to me in my head. Good times. I'm excited. It's the treatable kind, so I'm happy. Just means i'm a little lalala for a bit longer haha 

Breakmon: SERIOUSLY. ITS JUST A WORD.  Are you sure you taking that well? Because if you need a hand, i can try and help you. You just told me so casually ya know. 

memesiwant: DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! This sort of stuff is nothing new to me. I have like three years of missing memories too. My therapist has been trying to trigger something for like the last year or so. Nothing seems to come to mind. 

Breakmon: It's not the fucking end of the world. Three years? What happened? How does one forget three years worth of memories? 

memesiwant: IT IS. I'm really not sure. My parents disclosed it, and asked my therapist not to tell me, until I start remembering. i'm pretty confused about it. But eh, It is what it is. 

Breakmon: Do you know why? 

memesiwant: No, I just leave it. Hoseok knows. I've asked him, but he won't tell me. But its probably for a good reason isn't it. 

Breakmon: Possibly. Maybe you should look into it? I would if I lost three years of memories. 

memesiwant: no way. My friend Kate told me its not worth the drama, and to leave it be. Let the memories come back when they want to. She is my best friend, and she knows too. But she won't tell me. But i know with her. its for a decent reason. 

Breakmon: Still, thats pretty hard on you. I know we have something in those memories too. 

memesiwant: What? We do? I know you? Huh?  

Breakmon: You kind of know me. Hoseok has told me things about you, and what you are like as a person. But I was in the background for a bit. Hoseok, he doesn't really touch base with family. But it depends on what you are about to tell me?

memesiwant: oh, so like in the background of mine and Hoseok's calls and shit? Can I tell you something? 

Breakmon: depends. Would you trust the guy that accidentally sent nudes.

memesiwant: Please. This is important.

Breakmon: Okay im sorry. What is it?

memesiwant: this is deep shit and i need to get it off my chest.

Memesiwant: i just found out you have micropenis syndrome. 

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