Chapter Seventeen *Edited*

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Bloominghobi: Rose? Sorry I have been busy over the last few days. 

memesiwant: Hobi I missed you. 

Bloominghobi: I missed you too. Jimin told me you spoke to him. He said he might have dropped something big on you. What was it?  

memesiwant: An accident. Namjoon and I have always had a connection. I am confused, tell me what is going on? This isn't fair.  

Bloominghobi: Rose, you know I can't tell you. I want to. I can't. 

Memesiwant: This isn't fair. I arrive in Seoul hoping to reconnect with myself. Then Jimin tells me something. Then you are withholding information about me. I need to know at least something. Please anything. 

Bloominghobi: I can't. Please Rose, I know it is hard. I want to tell you. I am your brother after all. Please. I need you to understand. 

memesiwant: Understand?! I am so confused. This isn't helping me get better. This is making things worse. I'm losing my head. 

Bloominghobi: Rose, please. 

memesiwant: What? Why are you doing this? You know what's best, but you don't do it. You and everyone else aren't helping me get better. You think you are. But you are making it harder for me to keep going. 

Bloominghobi: You want the truth?

memesiwant: Yes. Please tell me. 

Bloominghobi: The reason I can't tell you, is because it needs to come from Namjoon himself, our family made the agreement with him. That was the deal. He won't tell you. He doesn't want to tell you. 

memesiwant: Great. So he's the reason. 

memesiwant: So, Namjoon. He. Wow. I can't believe this shit. I actually can't believe this shit. I am so done.  

Bloominghobi: I will talk to him. I know it hurts. It hurts me too. 

Memesiwant: Don't worry about it. He can do it when he is ready. 

bloominghobi: No. I'll be back soon x I love you. I will get him to message you. 

bloominghobi: Hoseok, he won't be contacting for a while. He needs to take a step away from you. - Namjoon x 

*this user has blocked your messages.*

Memesiwant: Namjoon tell me the truth. What do you know?! 

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