Chapter Sixteen *Edited*

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memesiwant: Hey, Jimin can we talk for a minute. I know we aren't supposed to. But I need to tell you something. It's important. 

jamsboi: Hi? Are you okay? I don't care about the rule that they set. I will always be there beside you. You know that. 

memesiwant: I miss you... I miss us. I know I broke things off. Because you needed to figure things out by yourself. But I'm struggling without you right now. When you were actually with me. I felt sane. I know my depression was daunting, and you didn't know how to handle it. You made me feel safe. I didn't need to tell you what was going on, but you being there was all I needed. Someone that loved me through all of this. Someone who didn't see me as a broken record player. I miss the way you giggled when I struggled to find something in the house and it turned out to be right in front of me. I miss the nights where we would lay down in front of my bed, where my heater stood, and just stare at the wall and just enjoy our company, and being in each other's arms. Those moments I keep picturing all the time. I miss you. I love you. I want us back so much. 

Jamsboi: Listen to me. Rose, I made a mistake in putting my heart in two places instead of it being in one place, which was supposed to be you, and loving some other girl. I made that choice. I look back on it now. And I see how much I took advantage of your kindness, and I was the cruel person. I don't deserve what you gave me, and what I would give if to fix this and make the relationship whole again. Believe me when I say this. I love you now. But. I can't hurt you again. Because that's all I do. I caused the relationship to break you in ways it shouldn't. You are the girl that I dreamed of, and now that I realised that. I wake up with regret. You are so precious, and you have gone through hell. Esp after the accident. I want us back, but I can't give you that right now. In the future, yes. Now we need to be alone to find ourselves. I will always love you, Rose. 

Jamsboi: listen, You and Namjoon. You two hold a connection, a beautiful and strange connection. You two always have. You always will. 

memesiwant: What do you mean accident? Namjoon and I knew each other? We what? Jimin? 

jamsboi: I said too much. I have to go. Please Rose, find your way back home. You know where home is. It's here. It's right in front of you. You will find it. I promise. Goodbye Rose. Till next time. 

memesiwant: please don't go. You are my home. 

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