Chapter Twenty *Edited*

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                                                      *Bloominghobi has started chatting with you* 

Bloominghobi: Charlie told me that you now know. I'm sorry you had to find out through her. I tried I really did. 

memesiwant: Why didn't you tell me? I can't understand why this needed to be held back. I'm on medication I don't need. You think that was fair. What was that therapist doing? 

Bloominghobi: She was paid by our family to misdiagnose you. I wasn't allowed to. Your mother and my father wouldn't let me. I hate myself for it. I hate Namjoon. I hate I'm the reason that you went through all of this. 

memesiwant: Do you think that was fair on me? I have to live with the fact that I hurt Namjoon because of you not saying anything when you should have! I know it isn't my fault. But you knew better. You should have. Hoseok that wasn't just me that you and my family were hurting! You were hurting Namjoon too in some ways. I had a right to know, so Namjoon wouldn't have had to go through that pain! 

bloominghobi: No, Namjoon wasn't hurting. He turned his back on you a long time ago. He always did. You needed him, he wasn't there. He cared for fame and money. You always came last to him. You just choose to ignore it. You loved him too much. it wasn't. I just didn't want to hurt you. I knew I should have said something! But I didn't! I wish I had! I am so sorry... 

memesiwant: Hoseok. I need time. I need to think. I can't think straight. Does Namjoon know I know? 

bloominghobi: Yes. He knows you know. I'm sorry. 

memesiwant: Just give me some time to think this all through. 

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