Chapter Seven *Edited*

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Breakmon: does jimin know?

memesiwant: about your micropenis syndrome? 

memesiwant: he does. He saw the dick pic remember. 

Breakmon: Rose... 

Breakmon: Stop talking about my fucking penis, because the more you talk about it, the more it grows. ;) 

memesiwant: Oh, so its like Pinocchio, when you lie it grows like 1mm. Thats cute. Maybe you should lie more often ;) 

Breakmon: Thats funny... Coming from the itty biddie tittie comity.  

memesiwant: EXCUSE YOU! my titties are actually cute small. I love my titties. 

Breakmon: and I love my micropenis... but anyway what i was talking about was, your recent diagnostic. Does Jimin know about your condition? Because hoseok doesn't seem to tell him anything about what's going on about you. Jimin doesn't really touch base on you either. i'm just making sure you have a good support system. 

memesiwant: No. Jimin hardly has time to talk to me. Plus, Id rather call him to tell him. He's pretty shit with this type of stuff. He's really touch and go with my depression. But thats okay. Some people don't know how to go about it. I don't hold him against it. I don't expect him to be able to deal with it, considering  he can barely deal with me having my period. He knows about my depression, and he tries. But he tends to back off because he can make it worse. It's just easier that way. Love him though :) 

Breakmon: Jimin is always busy now a days. I understand where you come from. But he needs to start learning about it. He's your partner, and when you are with someone, you need to learn to adapt to them. Figuring out what to do when they go through something. Learn boundaries, and learn how to help with depression, and anxiety. And most guys can't handle their girlfriends on their periods.

memesiwant: My period issue is a bit different, because's really sexual, and complains about it a lot. He's so obsessed with my body. It's like a drug to him. 

Breakmon: Rose. 

Breakmon: Sexual needs or not. You can't help being a female, and getting your period. You deserve a lot better than that :) 

memesiwant: He's a good boyfriend. Trust me. He does his best, and tries. 

Breakmon: You are too good for him, yet alone this world. I wish someone could show you that. Have you told Hoseok about what's happened? 

memesiwant: Hoseok's and i's relationship isn't really there. Like its there, but it's not as strong as I wish it could be. He pushes me away each time I reach out to him. Esp. when he is going through things. I'm not Jiwoo, but I do care for him like a older brother. He act's like he doesn't care. I just hurt for him. Is he still with his girlfriend? 

Breakmon: Yes, they are a good pairing. 

Memesiwant: HAHAHA. You are funny. 

Memesiwant: She's a gold digger. Like good for her, but she's using him for her own benefit, and destroying Hoseok as she does so. Oh well. I warned him, he didn't listen. You know I tried setting him up with my friend Kate, like 15 times. But he always declined saying "I don't do relationships, girls take too much of my time." 

Breakmon: Have you mentioned all of this to him? Because the Bangtan even know all of this, but fuck me he doesn't care. Also.15 times?! Jesus Kate must be something special huh. 

Memesiwant: Multiple times. You think he listens. He's like me. Stupid, and ears are just for decoration. Kate is a fucking angel sent from heaven. She's the type of person would drop anything she is doing the second something is going wrong. She's like super glue. Stuck to your side no matter what. She puts her needs below herself instead of putting herself first, it fucking sucks. She has problems, she hides from people. She doesn't like opening up to people, and the thing was. Well is. She is just a magnet for people to step on her and one day it's gonna be too much, and she will break and turn into a monster 

memesiwant: I just wish Hoseok had someone like her. So he can open his eyes ya know. 

Breakmon: And finally see the beauty that he has inside. 

Memesiwant: Exactly! Hoseok when he doesn't act like whatever the fuck this is. He is so loving and gentle, but he always attracts people that just destroy him piece by piece. Same with Kate, shes got some asshole named Tristan fucking her around. He is actual dogshit. Mentally playing her. I just want to jigsaw that mans dick off. Sorry he makes me angry. 

Breakmon: it's always the kind people that get treated the worst. They are the ones that get hurt and hurt.  Tristan will realise he loves her, and by then it will be too late. She will move on and blossom and turn into a beautiful rose, and he will regret his choices, because she will expose her thorns and prick him with reality. 

Memesiwant: I hope so. Kate is a softy. I love her. She has been there through thick and thin, it just confuses me how I didn't forget her, Hoseok and my parents. But every other memory just vanished. I feel empty thinking about it. 

memesiwant: I just feel like shit sometimes. Because she asks me advice about this dude, and I can't help. 

Breakmon: Do you want me to talk to her?

Memesiwant: She could use some closure, and if you want. Her username is @kate_mcfallen . Just take it easy on her. She is a sensitive person.

Memesiwant: I can't stop thinking about my missing memories. Its kind of toying with me now. I just let Kate know you are messaging her too. 

Breakmon: I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. 

Breakmon: actually! 

Breakmon: I have some free time for the next hour, do you want to facetime Namjoon therapist session? 


Memesiwant: How can this be a therapist?

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Memesiwant: How can this be a therapist?


Breakmon: I ate those afterwards.

memesiwant:/(=✪ x ✪=)\ What is wrong with you

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